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Windows 2000 Server als Small Business Server 2003 Redundanz

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Es gehen auch weitere DCs, aber nur ein SBS pro Domain:



Q. What number and types of servers can exist in the Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain?


A. There are no limits on the number or type of servers that can exist in a Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain, with the following exceptions:


• Only one computer in a domain can be running Windows Small Business Server 2003.


• Windows Small Business Server 2003 must be the root of the Active Directory forest.


• Windows Small Business Server 2003 cannot trust any other domains.


• A Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain cannot have any child domains.


• Each additional computer running Windows Server 2003 must have a Windows Small Business Server 2003 client access license (CAL).


• A Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain can have no more than 75 CALs. You can use CALs for each user or for each device.



Quelle: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/sbs/techinfo/overview/generalfaq.mspx



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Original geschrieben von grizzly999

Es gehen auch weitere DCs, aber nur ein SBS pro Domain:



Q. What number and types of servers can exist in the Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain?


A. There are no limits on the number or type of servers that can exist in a Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain, with the following exceptions:


• Only one computer in a domain can be running Windows Small Business Server 2003.


• Windows Small Business Server 2003 must be the root of the Active Directory forest.


• Windows Small Business Server 2003 cannot trust any other domains.


• A Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain cannot have any child domains.


• Each additional computer running Windows Server 2003 must have a Windows Small Business Server 2003 client access license (CAL).


• A Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain can have no more than 75 CALs. You can use CALs for each user or for each device.



Quelle: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/sbs/techinfo/overview/generalfaq.mspx





Vielen Dank für die Information...


Jedoch würde ich noch gerne wissen ob es auch ein Windows 2000 Server sein kann der die Redundanz übernimmt!?






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Original geschrieben von KFN3000

Was ist der Unterschied bei diesen Modi...???

Gibt es Vor und Nachteile?





da hats sich ne ganze Menge getan - wahrscheinlich zu viel, um das hier zu posten, aber da wirst du schlauer:


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