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/ 2k - Parkposition Nach Auswerfen einer USB HDD

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Hallo dererl,


beim "Auswerfen" wird erstmal der Cash zur Platte geleert. Das ist ganz wichtig. Sonst sind Deine zuletzt darauf geschriebenen Daten womoeglich futsch.


Dann werden weitere Schreibvorgaenge auf die Platte sauber unterbunden.


Hat die Platte ein eigenes Netzteil und Du schaltest es aus, dann parkt sie die Koepfe selbstaendig. Vorher nicht.


Gruss, Ralf

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Schliesse mich an, die Platten werden geparkt. Dazu reicht der Reststrom.


Modern voice-coil actuated hard disk drives are all auto-parking

(older drives required special utility programs to park the

heads). On some drives, a weak spring is attached to the head

assembly that tries to pull the heads to the landing zone. When

power is applied, the actuator is able to overpower the spring and

position the heads normally. When power is shut off, the

electromagnetic force from the voice coil abates, and the spring

yanks the heads to the landing zone before the platters can spin

down. Other disks use a different mechanical or electronic scheme

to achieve the same goal.


Aus: http://groups.google.de/groups?hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&selm=7s2jjp%24jmp%242%40orudios.magnet.at


Der Originalverweis ist leider nicht mehr aktiv (http://www.nucleus.com/~corby/harddisk/park.htm)




But here’s a real kicker: If the power to your PC is suddenly cut off, or if you simply press the power button while the drive is still working, the spindle motor will still rotate due to momentum. The minute power drops out, what was once a power-eating motor becomes a power generator. The tiny bit of juice squeezed out of the fading motor is just enough to safely move the read/write head assembly to the landing zone where the heads can be parked.


Aus: http://www.maximumpc.com/features/feature_2003-11-19a.html

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