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VNC Server Icon Verstecken

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Ich habe gerade VNC installiert (zur Netzwerkwartung) und hätte da eine Frage:


Habe VNC so eingerichtet, dass es bei jedem Start des PC's als Dienst startet. Nun ist aber rechts unten in der Taskleiste noch das Symbol des VNC-Servers. Wie kann ich dieses Symbol "verstecken", so dass es bei bestehender Verbindung nicht auf Schwarz wechselt?

Ist alles Intern greife also nicht von aussen auf die PC's zu und Nein ich möchte niemanden unbemerkt ausspionieren ;)


greetz aus bayern ;)

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Mehr als das gibts nicht.....



Other Options


In addition to the settings described above, the VNC server supports several advanced options. These options can be set on the command-line or by adding an appropriate value to the Windows registry. For User-Mode servers, this value should be added under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RealVNC\WinVNC4 key; for Service-Mode servers, the appropriate key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\RealVNC\WinVNC4.

DisableClose=true/false Disable or enable the Close menu item in the system tray menu. Note that this does not prevent users from shutting down the WinVNC4 process using the Task Manager or the Service Control Manager if they have sufficient access rights to do so.

DisableOptions=true/false Disable or enable the Options... menu item in the system tray menu. Note that this does not prevent users from changing the settings in the Windows registry if they have sufficient access rights to do so. DisplayDevice=<display> The display device to remote, or empty to remote all displays. The format of display is \\.\<device>. For example, \\.\display1.

RemapKeys=<mapping> Keyboard remapping. mapping is a comma-separated string of character mappings, each of the form char->char or char<>char, where char is a hexadecimal keysym. For example, to exchange the " and @ symbols you would specify the following:



For a full list of options, run winvnc4 -help.





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Mehr als das gibt's doch! Vom VNC gibt es mehrere Varianten, die alle Freeware sind. Ich persönlich bevorzuge TightVNC von http://www.tightvnc.org. Und da findet sich in der Doku das folgende:


Win32 TightVNC includes code from TridiaVNC distributions, and therefore it should include Tridia's modification to disable the tray icon. Here is a quote from TridiaVNC 1.3.3 announce:


* Added registry flag to cleanly disable the tray icon on all platforms and in all modes without affecting other settings. The default is "0" and indicates that the tray icon should not be disabled. A value of "1" will suppress the tray icon for all users.





Thus, to disable the tray icon, you should start the "regedit" utility from the command line, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\ folder, and create a DWORD parameter with the name "DisableTrayIcon" and the value "1". Then, after restarting WinVNC, the icon will not be shown anymore.


But please note that hiding the icon is usually not a good idea. For example, if you want to restrict users from changing the server Properties, it might be better to use the AllowProperties setting. For more information, see the description of "AllowProperties", "AllowShutdown" and "AllowEditClients" options in the RealVNC documentation.

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