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Exch Offline Defragmentierung

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Hallo zusammen,


bin gerade dabei unseren Exch2003 von überflüssigen Postfächern und E-Mails zu befreien. Die User haben Ihre Postfächer "aufgeräumt" und nun würde ich gern eine Offline Defrag vornehmen um auch die Datenbank zu schrumpfen. Online Defrag ist schon durch...

Habe nun folgendes Problem, meines Wissens braucht ja die Offline Defragmentierung ca. 110% Plattenplatz der aktuellen Datenbankgröße.

Meine priv1.edb hat 30GB und auf dieser Partition habe ich leider nur noch 20GB frei!

Ist es möglich die priv1.edb auf einer anderen Partition bzw. im NAS zu Defragmentieren und anschließend wieder zu importieren? Würde ungern diese Partition vergrößern, bzw. müsste ich dann noch eine Platte einbauen was hier schwer möglich ist.


Danke schon mal!

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You can run Eseutil with the /d /p option at the command line to configure Eseutil to create the new defragmented database in a separate location, such as a location on a different hard disk. If you turn off instating, the offline defragmentation process preserves the original database uncompacted, and the temporary file that is created is the defragmented version of the database. For example, you could turn off instating by using the /d /p option. Unlike the standard offline defragmentation process (Eseutil /d), if you run Eseutil with the /d /p option, the original database is not overwritten with the new defragmented database when the offline defragmentation process is completed.


The /d /p option can also significantly reduce the time that is required to defragment large databases because you do not copy the defragmented database from the temporary location and overwrite the original fragmented file. However, if you want to mount the defragmented database after you use this option, you must manually move the defragmented .edb and .stm files into the database path and rename them to the correct database file names.


For example, if Tempdfg.edb and Tempdfg.stm are the defragmented files that you created by running the /d /p option, you must rename them to Priv1.edb and Priv1.stm respectively if Priv1.edb and Priv1.stm are the databases that you originally ran Eseutil against. The following example command defragments a database that is named Mailbox Store.edb and its accompanying streaming file, turns off instating, and creates the defragmented databases on the D drive. Notice that there is no space after /t.

eseutil /d /p "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\mailbox store.edb" /t"d:\tempdfg.edb"

Note If you do not use the /t option, the Tempdfgxxxx.edb file and the Tempdfgxxxx.stm file are created in the location that you run Eseutil from. In the previous file names, xxxx is a random number.


Quelle: How to defragment Exchange databases

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