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Vista - Serious DNS problem

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My Windows Vista frequently "forgets" the DNS for certain (sub-) domains and I get a 404 - page not found error. If I ping the (sub-) domain I get back the IP address of the DNS server, but the domain name is not resolved anymore. I googled some possible solutions like ipconfig/flushdns or ipconfig/renew, but only a system reboot helps! I am desparating because this error occurs on same days but not everyday and occurs after already successfully addressing the requested site several times before. This is a f***** annoying bug, as I have to restart my system several times a day!! Any suggestions? Thx!

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It's configured as DHCP client, so it uses the DNS of our ISP.


Note that all other systems (around 10, but all running on XP or Server 2003) never encountered such problem and sharing the same internet connection / DHCP config.


If I do a tracert, this ends up at the DNS Server of our domain registrar, but it does not resolve the hostname to the target IP defined for the (sub-) domain...


By now, the problems seems to occur only with subdomains...

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