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Alle erstellten Inhalte von danusi

  1. Hallo, Hatte das gleiche Problem nach de W2019 Update und fand einen Beitrag von Jordan-F Hyper-V "Ghost" Entries After RAID Recovery - Microsoft Q&A It turned out the solution was easier than I thought. I just renamed the viable VM's to enable the use of Get-VM and Remove-VM (Error state VMs could not be renamed) Steps performed: Rename the valid version in the VM pair by appending a "v2" suffix Ran Get-VM [vm name] | fl * for each VM in the pair Verified that the VM pair did not share common IDs or directories Verified backups are in place (always an important step) Ran Remove-VM -name [vm name] -force for the invalid pair member Rebooted to verify that the remaining VM's auto-start without issue. Herzliche Grüsse Danusi
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