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  1. Liebe Mitglieder des Forums, wir haben bei uns von Windows XP - zu Windows 8.1 migriert, das ganze über eine saubere Neuinstallation. Ich habe seitdem an allen Clients das Problem, dass dem Mitarbeiter beim Herunterfahren nicht die Möglichkeit angeboten wird "Herunterfahren und Aktualisieren" , er kann zwischen Herunterfahren auswählen und "Neustarten und Aktualisieren" kein Mitarbeiter startet natürlich seinen Rechner neu - Konsequenz Updates werden nicht installiert. Erst dachte ich gut, Microsoft hat was an seiner Update Art verändert, habe dazu auch was zum Thema Wartungsmodus gelesen, das ändert aber nichts an meinen Problem. Natürlich steuere ich die Einstellungen über den WSUS und die Clients bekommen die Settings per GPO Richtlinie Einstellung Kommentar Automatische Updates konfigurieren Aktiviert Automatische Updates konfigurieren: 4 - Autom. Herunterladen und laut Zeitplan installieren Die folgenden Einstellungen sind nur erforderlich und anwendbar, wenn die Option 4 ausgewählt wurde. Während automatischer Wartung installieren Geplanter Installationstag: 0 - Täglich Geplante Installationszeit: 08:00 Windows-Komponenten/Windows UpdateAusblenden Richtlinie Einstellung Kommentar Die Standardoption "Updates installieren und herunterfahren" im Dialogfeld "Windows herunterfahren" nicht anpassen Deaktiviert Option "Updates installieren und herunterfahren" im Dialogfeld "Windows herunterfahren" nicht anzeigen Deaktiviert Zugriff auf alle Windows Update-Funktionen entfernen Aktiviert Benachrichtigungen konfigurieren: 0 - Keine Benachrichtigungen anzeigen (Sorry bekomme das nicht anders formatiert) Kann mir einer Sagen wo hier mein Fehler ist? Vielen Dank
  2. @Dukel, dennoch kann ich mit dem export auf die Daten vom Vortag zugreifen
  3. Kam mir bis jetzt noch nicht in den Sinn, grundsätzlich funktioniert das mit der powershell auch gut. nur eben nicht die zweite Partition.
  4. Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Server 2012 R2 Umgebung und möchte per Powershell Export Script zeitgesteuert die Maschinen auf eine externe Platte backupen, es läuft alles soweit nur exportiert er zwar die Systemplatte aber nicht die zweite Partition , geht das grundsätzlich nicht oder habe ich hier einen Fehler? Export-vm -name "vm123" -path f:\backup\ Schonmal Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe
  5. Super also das Script läuft durch, allerdings habe ich noch ein Problem mit der Ausgabe. Get-ADGroupMember -Identity <Gruppenname> | Get-Aduser -Properties name, titel, homephone | Select-Object name, titel, homephone Ich möchte anschließend alle Daten in eine csv exportieren. sobald ich mehr als vier Felder bei Select-object auswähle verändert er die Ausgabe von Feld1 Feld2 Feld 3 Feld 4 in Feld1 Feld2 Feld3 Feld4. Ich brauch es aber in der Form Feld1 Feld2 Feld 3 Feld 4 usw...
  6. Danke für eure Antworten: Geb ich das so ein wie 4077 geschrieben hat, erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung für jeden User. Get-Aduser : Mindestens eine Eigenschaft ist ungültig. Parametername: msDS-AssignedAuthNPolicy In Zeile:1 Zeichen:48 + Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Gruppenname | Get-Aduser -Properties * | Select ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (CN=XXXX,OU=.....,DC=..:ADUser) [Get-ADUser], ArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser
  7. Guten Morgen zusammen, ich möchte per Powershell alle User einer Gruppe im AD anzeigen lassen. Aber nicht nur den Namen sondern auch einige Eigenschaften wie z.b. Anrede, Telefonnummer, usw. Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Gruppenname | Get-Aduser | ft name, titel , homephone Er zeigt mir nur den Namen an, aber nicht die Eigenschaften des Objekts, ich mach was falsch das ist mir klar aber ich komme nicht darauf was.
  8. Hallo, ich hab die Firma angefragt, 2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Lizenzen + 15 Usercalls, also hab ich die Calls auch extra angeboten bekommen.
  9. Danke für deine Antwort: Also ich hab als Lizenzangebot folgende Lizenz bekommen: Lizenzen im Open-Government: Windows Server Standard 2012R2 2Proc. Lizenz, Open-D, Single Language (Die Firma fällt in dem Bereich, öffentlicher dienst, deswegen die Lizenz Open-Governmen) Woran erkenne ich den ob 5 Calls dabei sind? Das für den Exchange ist mir bewusst.
  10. Hallo zusammen, ich muss für eine Umstellung einer Firma, neue Lizenzen beschaffen. Die Firma hat 15 Mitarbeiter, ich bin mir gerade nur nicht über die richtige Lizenzierung im Sinn und bräuchte nur kurz die Info ob mein Gedankengang richtig ist oder nicht. Konstellation wird so aussehen, ein Hyper V-Server mit drei VM's drauf (alle Windows 2012 R2 ) Es geht hier nur um die Windowscalls nicht um Exchange. 1 AD 1 Exchange 1 File vorhandene Lizenzen 0 - Calls 0 Ich kaufe zwei Windows Server 2012 R2 Server - erhalte pro Serverlizenz 5 Calls also habe ich zusammengezählt 10 Calls zur Verfügung, kaufe nochmal 5 dazu und habe mich richtig lizenziert richtig? Vielen Dank für eure Mühe
  11. Also bei mir gibt es die Protokollierung nicht. Ich hab jetzt mal den ordner usermode erstellt anschließend hat er die datei gpmc.log erstellt und den inhalt ist jetzt hier GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:907 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4850 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:909 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4cd0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:911 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6910 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:912 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf40d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:913 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4010 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:915 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6cd0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:916 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2410 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:917 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5dd0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:918 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4610 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:920 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf69d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:921 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6a90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:922 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2650 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:924 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf49d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:925 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2950 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:926 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2becd30 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:927 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6610 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:928 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf43d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:929 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2c50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:930 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4310 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:930 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6790 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:931 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5a10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:932 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf1e80 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:933 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3f50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:934 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3890 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:935 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4490 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:936 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5ad0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:937 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3d10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:937 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2d10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:938 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2110 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:939 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4a90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:940 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3050 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:941 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0xa98120 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:942 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2f90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:942 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6850 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:943 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3410 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:944 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4550 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:945 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5f50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:946 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3590 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:947 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2ad0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:947 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4790 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:948 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3290 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:949 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4c10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:950 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2050 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:951 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3650 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:952 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2890 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:952 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5e90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:953 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf1f90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:954 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf31d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:955 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2350 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:956 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf46d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:957 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3ad0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:958 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4e50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:959 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4b50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:959 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3950 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:960 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2becff0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:961 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf57d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:962 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3c50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:963 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf34d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:964 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3710 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:965 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4d90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:966 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6b50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:966 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2710 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:967 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf21d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:968 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2dd0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:969 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2b94750 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:970 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3b90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:971 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4250 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:972 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4190 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:973 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf24d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:973 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2b90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:974 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2590 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:975 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2a10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:976 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3a10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:977 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3dd0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:978 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0xa98060 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:979 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3e90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:980 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6c10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:981 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf66d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:981 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf6e50 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:982 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf27d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:983 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5d10 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:984 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3350 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:985 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf5b90 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:986 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf37d0 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:987 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf3110 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:988 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf2290 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:989 CGPONode::~CGPONode: Destroying object 0x2bf4910 with nodedeletedflag 0x0 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:990 -----In destructor for troublenode 0x0000000002BA2B80 GPMC(174c.3e8) 11:05:50:991 Deleting object 0x0000000002BA2B80 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:32:300 Created semaphore with handle 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:32:302 In Object 0x0000000003169FA0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:32:304 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:32:306 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.868) 11:11:32:669 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031eb890 and 0x0000000006A51820 GPMC(1b5c.868) 11:11:32:671 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31eb890 and nodedeletedflag 0x6a51820 GPMC(1b5c.868) 11:11:32:672 In object 0x0000000003169FA0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:34:702 In Object 0x000000000316A9E0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:34:704 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:34:706 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.938) 11:11:34:781 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3100 and 0x0000000006CDD330 GPMC(1b5c.938) 11:11:34:783 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3100 and nodedeletedflag 0x6cdd330 GPMC(1b5c.938) 11:11:34:785 In object 0x000000000316A9E0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:50:855 In Object 0x0000000003169CA0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:50:858 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:11:50:859 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1028) 11:11:50:917 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3940 and 0x0000000006CDD4E0 GPMC(1b5c.1028) 11:11:50:920 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3940 and nodedeletedflag 0x6cdd4e0 GPMC(1b5c.1028) 11:11:50:921 In object 0x0000000003169CA0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:13:27:765 In Object 0x000000000316A460, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:13:27:766 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:13:27:767 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1a5c) 11:13:27:957 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031ebb50 and 0x0000000006DB6B10 GPMC(1b5c.1a5c) 11:13:27:958 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31ebb50 and nodedeletedflag 0x6db6b10 GPMC(1b5c.1a5c) 11:13:27:959 In object 0x000000000316A460, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:03:614 In Object 0x000000000316A160, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:03:614 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:03:630 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:04:222 In Object 0x000000000316A420, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:04:222 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:04:222 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.14c8) 11:21:04:410 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3260 and 0x0000000006CE59E0 GPMC(1b5c.14c8) 11:21:04:410 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3260 and nodedeletedflag 0x6ce59e0 GPMC(1b5c.14c8) 11:21:04:425 In object 0x000000000316A420, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.1018) 11:21:05:315 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d2b80 and 0x0000000006D62A80 GPMC(1b5c.1018) 11:21:05:315 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d2b80 and nodedeletedflag 0x6d62a80 GPMC(1b5c.1018) 11:21:05:331 In object 0x000000000316A160, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:10:893 In Object 0x000000000316A8A0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:10:893 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:10:893 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.6a4) 11:21:10:955 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031eb470 and 0x0000000006AC7A70 GPMC(1b5c.6a4) 11:21:10:955 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31eb470 and nodedeletedflag 0x6ac7a70 GPMC(1b5c.6a4) 11:21:10:955 In object 0x000000000316A8A0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:11:365 In Object 0x0000000003169C20, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:11:365 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:11:365 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1b8c) 11:21:11:552 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031ec2e0 and 0x00000000011A56B0 GPMC(1b5c.1b8c) 11:21:11:552 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31ec2e0 and nodedeletedflag 0x11a56b0 GPMC(1b5c.1b8c) 11:21:11:567 In object 0x0000000003169C20, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:52:816 In Object 0x00000000014CC270, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:52:816 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:21:52:816 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1804) 11:21:52:893 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d2ef0 and 0x00000000078CCE10 GPMC(1b5c.1804) 11:21:52:893 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d2ef0 and nodedeletedflag 0x78cce10 GPMC(1b5c.1804) 11:21:52:893 In object 0x00000000014CC270, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:370 In Object 0x000000000316AAE0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:370 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:385 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.19e4) 11:22:02:448 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d2c30 and 0x0000000006CBA4E0 GPMC(1b5c.19e4) 11:22:02:448 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d2c30 and nodedeletedflag 0x6cba4e0 GPMC(1b5c.19e4) 11:22:02:448 In object 0x000000000316AAE0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:875 In Object 0x00000000031EAD50, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:875 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:02:875 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.14f4) 11:22:02:938 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3890 and 0x00000000078CCE70 GPMC(1b5c.14f4) 11:22:02:938 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3890 and nodedeletedflag 0x78cce70 GPMC(1b5c.14f4) 11:22:02:938 In object 0x00000000031EAD50, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:53:148 In Object 0x000000000751EEC0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:53:148 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:53:163 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1838) 11:22:53:241 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3470 and 0x000000000790DE40 GPMC(1b5c.1838) 11:22:53:241 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3470 and nodedeletedflag 0x790de40 GPMC(1b5c.1838) 11:22:53:241 In object 0x000000000751EEC0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:58:353 In Object 0x000000000751E500, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:58:353 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:22:58:353 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.17cc) 11:22:58:431 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d2ad0 and 0x00000000078CAB40 GPMC(1b5c.17cc) 11:22:58:431 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d2ad0 and nodedeletedflag 0x78cab40 GPMC(1b5c.17cc) 11:22:58:431 In object 0x000000000751E500, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:23:34:868 In Object 0x000000000751E280, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:23:34:884 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:23:34:884 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1588) 11:23:35:165 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3730 and 0x0000000007C8EBC0 GPMC(1b5c.1588) 11:23:35:165 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3730 and nodedeletedflag 0x7c8ebc0 GPMC(1b5c.1588) 11:23:35:165 In object 0x000000000751E280, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:33:247 In Object 0x000000000751E2C0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:33:247 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:33:247 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1a60) 11:26:33:325 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d3310 and 0x0000000007C8F8C0 GPMC(1b5c.1a60) 11:26:33:341 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d3310 and nodedeletedflag 0x7c8f8c0 GPMC(1b5c.1a60) 11:26:33:341 In object 0x000000000751E2C0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:37:870 In Object 0x000000000751E240, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:37:870 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:26:37:886 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.170c) 11:26:37:948 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031d37e0 and 0x0000000007C8EA80 GPMC(1b5c.170c) 11:26:37:948 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31d37e0 and nodedeletedflag 0x7c8ea80 GPMC(1b5c.170c) 11:26:37:948 In object 0x000000000751E240, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:34:35:281 In Object 0x000000000751DFC0, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:34:35:281 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:34:35:281 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.1bac) 11:34:35:500 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031ec2e0 and 0x0000000007DDE2E0 GPMC(1b5c.1bac) 11:34:35:500 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31ec2e0 and nodedeletedflag 0x7dde2e0 GPMC(1b5c.1bac) 11:34:35:500 In object 0x000000000751DFC0, Releasing semaphore 968 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:38:52:828 In Object 0x000000000751EC00, initializing semaphore handle to 968 for report 0x0000000003168868 GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:38:52:830 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.11e4) 11:38:52:832 Wait on semaphore 968 called GPMC(1b5c.18b0) 11:38:53:157 CReportImpl::SetReportAsync Calling set report with 0x00000000031ebcb0 and 0x0000000007DDE2B0 GPMC(1b5c.18b0) 11:38:53:158 CCookieCutter::SetReport SetReport called with cookie 0x31ebcb0 and nodedeletedflag 0x7dde2b0 GPMC(1b5c.18b0) 11:38:53:159 In object 0x000000000751EC00, Releasing semaphore 968
  12. Also das loggin kann ich leider nicht aktivieren, finde bei computerrichtlinie-gruppenrichtlinie nicht den unterpunkt loggin $ debug. Ja ich hab es von einen Windows 8 PC erstellt.
  13. Hallo, ich glaube nicht das der 2003er das kann, hab allerdings keinen zur Hand wo ich mal schauen könnte. Ansonsten indem du einfach die Gruppenrichtlinie aktivierst. http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/cc731549 Ob TPM drauf ist lässt sich evtl. durch WMI Filter abfragen. gruß *update* Sie können Wiederherstellungsinformationen in Active Directory speichern, wenn auf Ihren Domänencontrollern Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 mit Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2003 R2 oder Windows Server 2008 ausgeführt wird. Sie können keine Wiederherstellungsinformationen in Active Directory speichern, wenn auf dem Domänencontroller eine Version von Windows Server ausgeführt wird, die älter ist als Windows Server 2003 mit SP1. also gehts doch!
  14. Hallo, du migrierst ja nicht den Namen deiner CA sondern u.a die Datenbank und den privatkey. Soweit ich das beurteilen kann werden die Zertifikate dann ungültig imemrhin ist der Server nicht mehr zum verifizieren da. Hier mal der technet Artikel von Microsoft http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ee126170(v=ws.10).aspx
  15. Im Ereignisprotokoll ist kein eintrag der in die Richtung deutet, hab ich auch probiert ich kann es ja per Hand umstellen aber bei gut 600 PC's fehlt mir hier Zeit und Lust.
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