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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Andreas83

  1. Hallo zusammen, auf einer neuen Hardware mit 10GBit X722 Server 2019 Hyper-V Rolle installiere ich ein 2019 VM. DNS macht DC 2012 R2. VM bekommt IP per DHCP. Kein Internet möglich. Gebe ich der VM manuell als DNS. Funktioniert Internet. Installiere ich eine 2016 VM, alles kein Problem Habe viele Einträge in Foren gefunden mit Performance Probleme einer 2016 VM im 2019er Host in Verbindung mit Intel X722 Aber mein Szenario kann ich nichts finden. Zum testen hab ich dann eine 2019er VM in einem alten 2012 R2 Host in Betrieb genommen, aktualisiert, in die Domäne aufgenommen, exportiert und im 2019er Host importiert. Funktioniert. Habt ihr Ideen?
  2. Bin derzeit mit MS Support dran. Parallel setzte ich eine neu VM auf um im Notfall zu migrieren.
  3. Ablaufdatum 14.11.2020 Unter Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen ist es noch drin und ich kann es wieder rüber kopieren
  4. Also wenn ich den Eintrag recht verstanden habe und mit meinen Zertifikaten vergleiche und einem anderen Exchange 2013 CU23 auf einem 2012 R2 dann habe ich ein Zertifikat namens "Exchange" unter Eigene Zertifikate und unter Vertrauenswürdige Stammzertifizierungsstellen. Dieses unter eigene gelöscht, reboot und Setup... gleicher Fehler
  5. ich versuche schon den halben morgen Exchange zu installieren, die letzten Log sind die von heute morgen
  6. grober Zeitablauf, detaillierter bekomme ich es nicht zusammen. zw 19 und 20 Uhr von 4.6.1 auf 4.7.2 aktualisiert, Reboot und dann ohne Wartezeit 1. CU 23 Installationsversuch. Da es nach div. Versuchen nicht geklappt hat, dann nochmal Windows Updates geprüft, da hat es dann 4.8 angeboten. Sagen wir 22 Uhr dann 4.8 installiert. Reboot und dann ohne Wartezeit wieder CU 23 Installationsversuch. Hier waren die Dienste aber gestartet, vermutlich war das auch einer der Fehler
  7. 2 stunden nachdem mehrere Versuche fehlgeschlagen sind hat Windows Update das Update auf 4.8 angeboten und habe es dann mit installiert. Nochmal deinstallieren?
  8. nein, Fehler den ich mehrfach gesehen hatte, ist [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=ClientAccessComponent___9D94915F-B12D-4579-93EE-36B6DF42CF4A Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0800] [1] Ending processing Install-ClientAccessRole [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0513] [0] CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 0 [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0514] [0] End of Setup [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0514] [0] ********************************************** [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87
  9. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0408] [0] ********************************************** [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0410] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Setup [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0410] [0] ********************************************** [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0411] [0] Local time zone: (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0411] [0] Operating system version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0412] [0] Setup version: 15.0.1497.2. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0412] [0] Logged on user: RW\administrator. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0445] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice'. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0445] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0449] [0] RuntimeAssembly was started with the following command: '/sourcedir:C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice /mode:Install'. [10.23.2020 07:23:43.0572] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0142] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0255] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: DC.rw.local [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0652] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use DC.rw.local [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0652] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog... [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0662] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server DC.rw.local. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0663] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0663] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0666] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0670] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0687] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'EXCHANGE'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0790] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0790] [0] The following roles have been unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0790] [0] The following datacenter roles are unpacked: [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0790] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0791] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0804] [0] Server Name=EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0815] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice' for installing Exchange. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0815] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'MailboxRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'UnifiedMessagingRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'CafeRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0816] [0] 'FrontendTransportRole' is installed on the server object. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0818] [0] The backup copy of the install path is 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0818] [0] The backup copy of the previously installed version is '15.0.1210.3'. [10.23.2020 07:23:44.0820] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'BuildToBuildUpgrade'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0484] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'First Organization' was found in this forest. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0485] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0485] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0485] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0485] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0486] [0] The locally installed version is 15.0.1497.2. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0486] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15'. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0549] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0549] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value First Organization. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0550] [0] The installed MSI is current for this version of Setup. [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0559] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0568] [0] Validating options for the 7 requested roles [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0568] [0] UpgradeModeDataHandler has 9 handlers and 9 work units [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0633] [0] CurrentResult launcherbase.maincore:90: 0 [10.23.2020 07:23:45.0868] [0] Finished loading screen IncompleteInstallationDetectedPage. [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0777] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform. [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0777] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value First Organization. [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0777] [0] The installed MSI is current for this version of Setup. [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0777] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0796] [0] ************** [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0796] [0] Setup will run the task 'Start-PostFileCopy' [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0796] [1] Setup launched task 'Start-PostFileCopy -PreviousVersion '15.0.1497.2' -Mode 'BuildToBuildUpgrade' -Roles 'BridgeheadRole','FrontendTransportRole','ClientAccessRole','UnifiedMessagingRole','MailboxRole','AdminToolsRole','CafeRole'' [10.23.2020 07:27:19.0972] [1] Finished loading screen SetupProgressPage. [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0701] [1] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-PostFileCopy' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0702] [1] User specified parameters: -PreviousVersion:'15.0.1497.2' -Mode:'BuildToBuildUpgrade' -Roles:'BridgeheadRole','FrontendTransportRole','ClientAccessRole','UnifiedMessagingRole','MailboxRole','AdminToolsRole','CafeRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0702] [1] Beginning processing Start-PostFileCopy [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0723] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Post File Copy' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPostFileCopyComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0738] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0738] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Start-PostFileCopy-20201023-09272007231781879457.ps1' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0741] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0757] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Datacenter' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0758] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0759] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0760] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0761] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0761] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0762] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0763] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0764] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'BuildToBuildUpgrade' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0764] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0765] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20201023-09272007231781879457' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0766] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0767] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenterDedicated = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0768] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFfo = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0768] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0769] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0770] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0771] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0771] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,FrontendTransportRole,ClientAccessRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,MailboxRole,AdminToolsRole,CafeRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0772] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0773] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0774] [1] 2 tasks were found to run. [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0774] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Post File Copy' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0774] [1] Executing: if (Get-Service WinMgmt* | ?{$_.Name -eq 'WinMgmt'}) { Set-Service WinMgmt -StartupType Automatic Start-SetupService -ServiceName WinMgmt } [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0817] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0818] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'WinMgmt' [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0818] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0863] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:20.0875] [1] Executing: & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 EnableServices $RoleRoles.Replace('Role','').Split(','); & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 Start Critical [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0043] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0043] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ----------------------------------------------- [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0044] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0049] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0049] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] * ServiceControl.ps1: 23.10.2020 09:27:21 [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0050] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0053] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0054] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Performing service control with options: [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0054] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0073] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0074] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Bridgehead is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0075] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0076] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0077] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] FrontendTransport is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0077] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0079] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0079] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ClientAccess is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0080] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0082] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0082] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] UnifiedMessaging is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0083] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0084] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0085] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Mailbox is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0085] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0087] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0087] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] AdminTools is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0088] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0090] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0090] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Cafe is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0091] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0119] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0119] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Will enable services for the roles: Bridgehead FrontendTransport ClientAccess UnifiedMessaging Mailbox AdminTools Cafe. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0120] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0131] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0132] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling services for 'Bridgehead FrontendTransport ClientAccess UnifiedMessaging Mailbox AdminTools Cafe'... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0133] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0135] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0136] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Service registry data file not present: C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ServiceStartupMode15.00.1497.002.xml [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0136] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0286] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0286] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'AppIDSvc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0287] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0293] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0294] [2] [WARNING] 'AppIDSvc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0295] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0297] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0298] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'FMS'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0298] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0300] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0301] [2] [WARNING] 'FMS' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0301] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0302] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0303] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'hostcontrollerservice'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0303] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0305] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0306] [2] [WARNING] 'hostcontrollerservice' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0306] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0307] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0308] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'IISAdmin'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0308] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0310] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0311] [2] [WARNING] 'IISAdmin' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0311] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0314] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0314] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeADTopology'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0315] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0317] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0318] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeADTopology' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0318] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0319] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0320] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeAntispamUpdate'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0320] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0322] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0323] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeAntispamUpdate' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0323] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0324] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0325] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDagMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0325] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0327] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0327] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDagMgmt' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0328] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0329] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0330] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDelivery'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0330] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0332] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0332] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDelivery' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0333] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0334] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0335] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDiagnostics'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0335] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0337] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0337] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDiagnostics' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0338] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0339] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0339] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeEdgeSync'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0340] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0342] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0342] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeEdgeSync' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0343] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0344] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0344] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeFastSearch'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0345] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0347] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0347] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeFastSearch' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0348] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0349] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0349] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeFrontendTransport'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0350] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0352] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0352] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeFrontendTransport' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0353] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0354] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0355] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeHM'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0355] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0357] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0358] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeHM' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0359] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0361] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0361] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeIMAP4'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0362] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0363] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0364] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeIMAP4' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0364] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0366] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0366] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeIS'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0367] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0368] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0369] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeIS' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0369] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0371] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0371] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeMailboxAssistants'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0372] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0373] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0374] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeMailboxAssistants' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0374] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0376] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0376] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0377] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0378] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0379] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0379] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0381] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0381] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangePOP3'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0382] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0383] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0384] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangePOP3' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0384] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0386] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0386] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeRepl'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0387] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0388] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0389] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeRepl' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0389] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0391] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0391] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeRPC'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0392] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0395] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0395] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeRPC' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0396] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0397] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0398] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeServiceHost'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0398] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0400] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0401] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeServiceHost' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0401] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0403] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0403] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeSubmission'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0404] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0405] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0406] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeSubmission' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0406] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0408] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0408] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeThrottling'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0409] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0410] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0411] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeThrottling' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0411] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0413] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0413] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeTransport'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0414] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0417] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0417] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeTransport' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0418] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0419] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0420] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeTransportLogSearch'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0420] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0422] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0422] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeTransportLogSearch' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0423] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0424] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0425] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeUM'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0425] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0427] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0427] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeUM' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0428] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0429] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0430] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'pla'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0430] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0432] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0433] [2] [WARNING] 'pla' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0433] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0434] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0435] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'RemoteRegistry'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0435] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0437] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0438] [2] [WARNING] 'RemoteRegistry' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0438] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0439] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0440] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'SearchExchangeTracing'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0440] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0442] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0443] [2] [WARNING] 'SearchExchangeTracing' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0443] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0444] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0445] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'W3Svc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0445] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0447] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0448] [2] [WARNING] 'W3Svc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0448] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0451] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0451] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'WinMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0452] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0454] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0454] [2] [WARNING] 'WinMgmt' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0455] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0456] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0456] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'wsbexchange'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0457] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0459] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0459] [2] [WARNING] 'wsbexchange' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0460] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0463] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0463] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Script completed succesfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0464] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0469] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0469] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ----------------------------------------------- [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0470] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0471] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0472] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] * ServiceControl.ps1: 23.10.2020 09:27:21 [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0472] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0474] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0474] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Performing service control with options: [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0475] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0476] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0477] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Critical is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0478] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0491] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0491] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Starting services for Critical... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0492] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0494] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0495] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Service state file not present: C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ServiceState15.00.1497.002.xml [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0495] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0505] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0505] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Dependent services will be skipped. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0506] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0546] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0546] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Enter: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'IISAdmin'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0547] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0555] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0555] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] 'IISAdmin' did not exist. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0556] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0558] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0558] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Starting IISAdmin... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0559] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0561] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0561] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'IISAdmin' -ErrorVariable:'script:serviceControlError' -IgnoreTimeout:'True' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0561] [2] Beginning processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0562] [2] Ending processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0577] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0577] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Exit: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'IISAdmin' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0578] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0579] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0580] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Enter: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'RemoteRegistry'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0580] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0582] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0583] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] 'RemoteRegistry' did not exist. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0583] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0585] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0585] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Starting RemoteRegistry... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0586] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0587] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0587] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'RemoteRegistry' -ErrorVariable:'script:serviceControlError' -IgnoreTimeout:'True' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0587] [2] Beginning processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0599] [2] [WARNING] Service checkpoint has not progressed. Previous checkpoint='0'- Current checkpoint='0'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0602] [2] Previous service status query time is '23.10.2020 09:27:21'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0612] [2] Current service status query time is '23.10.2020 09:27:21'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0622] [2] Will wait '2000' milliseconds for the service 'RemoteRegistry' to reach status 'Running'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0629] [2] Service 'RemoteRegistry' successfully reached status 'Running on this server while waiting for status change. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0629] [2] Ending processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0631] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0631] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Exit: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'RemoteRegistry' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0632] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0633] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0634] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Enter: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'W3Svc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0634] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0637] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0637] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] 'W3Svc' did not exist. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0638] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0639] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0640] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Starting W3Svc... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0640] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0641] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0642] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'W3Svc' -ErrorVariable:'script:serviceControlError' -IgnoreTimeout:'True' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0642] [2] Beginning processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0646] [2] Ending processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0647] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0648] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Exit: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'W3Svc' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0648] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0650] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0651] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Enter: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'WinMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0651] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0653] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0654] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] 'WinMgmt' did not exist. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0654] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0656] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0656] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Starting WinMgmt... [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0657] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0658] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0658] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'WinMgmt' -ErrorVariable:'script:serviceControlError' -IgnoreTimeout:'True' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0658] [2] Beginning processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0659] [2] Ending processing start-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0660] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0661] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] (0) Exit: RestoreServiceAndDependents 'WinMgmt' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0661] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0663] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0663] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Script completed succesfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0664] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0665] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0668] [1] Ending processing Start-PostFileCopy [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0679] [0] ************** [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0679] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-BridgeheadRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0680] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-BridgeheadRole -DomainController 'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir $null' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0685] [1] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-BridgeheadRole' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0685] [1] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath:'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir:$null [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0685] [1] Beginning processing Install-BridgeheadRole [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0701] [1] Attempting Install for BridgeheadRole. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0705] [1] The following roles are current: BridgeheadRole FrontendTransportRole [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0713] [1] Reading components for the role 'FrontendTransportRole' from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0718] [1] Found 45 components [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0720] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0721] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0725] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0726] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Transport Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0728] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0730] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0732] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0734] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0736] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0738] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0741] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0743] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0744] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Front End Role Setter' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0748] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0750] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Perf Counters' with 20 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0752] [1] Loaded component 'FrontentTransport Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0753] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0755] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0756] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0758] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0760] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0768] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0769] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0771] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0772] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0774] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0775] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0777] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0778] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0780] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0782] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter FrontendTransport Configuration' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0783] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0786] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0788] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0792] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0792] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0794] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0795] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0799] [1] Loaded component 'Frontdoor Ffo only component' with 41 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterFrontdoorComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0800] [1] Loaded component 'FrontendTransport ExO only component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0802] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0804] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0806] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0809] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0810] [1] Reading components for the role 'BridgeheadRole' from 'res://BridgeheadRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0810] [1] Found 54 components [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0811] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0813] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0816] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0818] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0820] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0822] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0824] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0826] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0827] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0829] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0833] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Perf Counters' with 37 task information blocks from 'res://TransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0835] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0836] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0838] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0840] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0841] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 0 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeHeadAndGatewayTransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0843] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead AMService component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAMServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0845] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 24 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0848] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Configuration' with 53 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0850] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0852] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0855] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0856] [1] Loaded component 'Search Foundation Service Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SearchFoundationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0858] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0859] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0861] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0863] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0864] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0866] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0867] [1] Loaded component 'Malware Filtering Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MalwareFilteringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0869] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Antimalware component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntimalwareComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0872] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0875] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0877] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0878] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0880] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0881] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0884] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' with 15 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0886] [1] Loaded component 'AntiSpam Spam Filter Configuration' with 21 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntispamComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0888] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport Ffo only component' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0890] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport ExO only component' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://ExODatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0892] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0895] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0897] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0899] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0900] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0901] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0903] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0904] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0906] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0908] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0909] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Exchange Streaming Optics Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ExchangeStreamingOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common First' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Common Perf Counters ' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Provision Server' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Health Manager' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Transport Perf Counters' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Transport Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Transport Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Bridgehead AMService component' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Bridgehead Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Transport Log Search Service' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Data Storage Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Search Foundation Service Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'PowerShell Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Malware Filtering Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Antimalware component' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Transport Common Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'AntiSpam Spam Filter Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'HubTransport Ffo only component' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'HubTransport ExO only component' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Diagnostics Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'AuditService Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] The component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0911] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Exchange Streaming Optics Component' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0914] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0915] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0915] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-BridgeheadRole-20201023-09272109141585927384.ps1' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0916] [1] Executing: $RoleAllRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,GatewayRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,MonitoringRole,CentralAdminRole,CentralAdminDatabaseRole,CentralAdminFrontEndRole,LanguagePacksRole,CafeRole,FfoWebServiceRole,OSPRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0917] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0918] [1] Executing: $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0919] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Datacenter' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0920] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0921] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0922] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0922] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0923] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0924] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0926] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0927] [1] Executing: $RoleDisableAMFiltering = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0928] [1] Executing: $RoleDomainController = 'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0930] [1] Executing: $RoleFqdnOrName = 'Exchange.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0930] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'PostSetupOnly' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0931] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0932] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20201023-09272109141585927384' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0933] [1] Executing: $RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0933] [1] Executing: $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0934] [1] Executing: $RoleIsCafeRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0935] [1] Executing: $RoleIsClientAccessRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0936] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0937] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenterDedicated = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0937] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFfo = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0938] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFrontendTransportRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0939] [1] Executing: $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0940] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0941] [1] Executing: $RoleIsUnifiedMessagingRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0941] [1] Executing: $RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0942] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggedOnUser = 'RW\administrator' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0943] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0944] [1] Executing: $RoleNetBIOSName = 'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0945] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0945] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0946] [1] Executing: $RoleRoleName = 'BridgeheadRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0947] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,CafeRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0948] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0948] [1] Executing: $RoleStartTransportService = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0949] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0950] [1] Executing: $RoleUpdatesDir = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0951] [1] 0 tasks were found to run. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0953] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common First' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0953] [1] Processing component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' (Festlegen von Berechtigungen für Ordner und die Registrierung.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0953] [1] Processing component 'Transport Perf Counters' (Konfigurieren von Transportleistungsindikatoren.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0953] [1] Processing component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' (Konfigurieren der Postfachrolle: Transportdienst.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0953] [1] Processing component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' (Konfigurieren der Postfachrolle: Leistungsindikatoren des Transportdiensts.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'Bridgehead Configuration' (Konfigurieren der Postfachrolle: Transportdienst.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'Transport Log Search Service' (Der Microsoft Exchange-Transportprotokoll-Suchdienst wird installiert/entfernt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'Search Foundation Service Configuration' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'Malware Filtering Configuration' (Die Filterrichtlinie für Schadsoftware wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' (Die Hub-Transportdienste werden gestartet). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common Last' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0954] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0959] [1] Ending processing Install-BridgeheadRole [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0961] [0] ************** [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0961] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-FrontendTransportRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0961] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-FrontendTransportRole -DomainController 'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir $null' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0965] [1] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-FrontendTransportRole' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0965] [1] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath:'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir:$null [10.23.2020 07:27:21.0965] [1] Beginning processing Install-FrontendTransportRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0028] [1] Attempting Install for FrontendTransportRole. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0029] [1] The following roles are current: BridgeheadRole FrontendTransportRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0030] [1] Reading components for the role 'BridgeheadRole' from 'res://BridgeheadRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0030] [1] Found 54 components [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0032] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0033] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0036] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0038] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0040] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0042] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0044] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0046] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0047] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0049] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0054] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Perf Counters' with 37 task information blocks from 'res://TransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0055] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0057] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0058] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0060] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0062] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 0 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeHeadAndGatewayTransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0063] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead AMService component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAMServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0065] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 24 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0070] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Configuration' with 53 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0071] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0072] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0079] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0080] [1] Loaded component 'Search Foundation Service Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SearchFoundationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0082] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0083] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0085] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0086] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0088] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0089] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0091] [1] Loaded component 'Malware Filtering Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MalwareFilteringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0094] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Antimalware component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntimalwareComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0096] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0097] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0099] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0100] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0102] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0103] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0105] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0107] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' with 15 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0109] [1] Loaded component 'AntiSpam Spam Filter Configuration' with 21 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntispamComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0112] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport Ffo only component' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0117] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport ExO only component' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://ExODatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0117] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0119] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0121] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0122] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0124] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0125] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0126] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0128] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0130] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0131] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0133] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0136] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Exchange Streaming Optics Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ExchangeStreamingOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0136] [1] Reading components for the role 'FrontendTransportRole' from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0137] [1] Found 45 components [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0138] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0140] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0143] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0144] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Transport Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0146] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0148] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0150] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0152] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0153] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0155] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0156] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0159] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0161] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0162] [1] Loaded component 'Front End Role Setter' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0164] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0166] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Perf Counters' with 20 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0168] [1] Loaded component 'FrontentTransport Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0170] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0171] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0173] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0176] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0178] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0179] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0181] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0182] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0184] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0185] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0187] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0188] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0190] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0191] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0193] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter FrontendTransport Configuration' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0195] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0198] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0199] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0201] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0202] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0204] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0205] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0208] [1] Loaded component 'Frontdoor Ffo only component' with 41 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterFrontdoorComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0210] [1] Loaded component 'FrontendTransport ExO only component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0212] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0215] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0216] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common First' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Frontend Transport Permissions Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Common Perf Counters ' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Provision Server' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Health Manager' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Server License' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Front End Role Setter' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Transport Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Frontend Perf Counters' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'FrontentTransport Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Data Storage Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'PowerShell Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Transport Common Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter FrontendTransport Configuration' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'AuditService Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Diagnostics Component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'Frontdoor Ffo only component' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding unique component 'FrontendTransport ExO only component' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] The component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' is shared with a role that's already configured. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0218] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0221] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0222] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0222] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-FrontendTransportRole-20201023-09272202211243044278.ps1' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0222] [1] Executing: $RoleAllRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,GatewayRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,MonitoringRole,CentralAdminRole,CentralAdminDatabaseRole,CentralAdminFrontEndRole,LanguagePacksRole,CafeRole,FfoWebServiceRole,OSPRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0223] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0224] [1] Executing: $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0225] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Datacenter' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0226] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0227] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0228] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0229] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0229] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0230] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0231] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0232] [1] Executing: $RoleDomainController = 'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0233] [1] Executing: $RoleFqdnOrName = 'Exchange.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0234] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'PostSetupOnly' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0234] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0235] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20201023-09272202211243044278' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0236] [1] Executing: $RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0237] [1] Executing: $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0238] [1] Executing: $RoleIsCafeRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0238] [1] Executing: $RoleIsClientAccessRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0239] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0240] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenterDedicated = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0241] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFfo = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0242] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFrontendTransportRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0243] [1] Executing: $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0243] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0244] [1] Executing: $RoleIsUnifiedMessagingRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0245] [1] Executing: $RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0246] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggedOnUser = 'RW\administrator' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0246] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0247] [1] Executing: $RoleNetBIOSName = 'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0248] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0249] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0250] [1] Executing: $RoleRoleName = 'FrontendTransportRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0250] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,CafeRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0251] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0252] [1] Executing: $RoleStartTransportService = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0253] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0254] [1] Executing: $RoleUpdatesDir = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0254] [1] 0 tasks were found to run. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0256] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common First' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Processing component 'Frontend Transport Permissions Configuration' (Die Ordner- und die Registrierungsberechtigungen werden festgelegt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Processing component 'Front End Role Setter' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Processing component 'Frontend Perf Counters' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Processing component 'FrontentTransport Configuration' (Konfigurieren der Clientzugriffsrolle: Front-End-Transport-Dienst.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common Last' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0257] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0261] [1] Ending processing Install-FrontendTransportRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0263] [0] ************** [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0263] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-ClientAccessRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0263] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-ClientAccessRole -DomainController 'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir $null' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0267] [1] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-ClientAccessRole' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0267] [1] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -LanguagePacksPath:'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' -UpdatesDir:$null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0267] [1] Beginning processing Install-ClientAccessRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0282] [1] Attempting Install for ClientAccessRole. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0283] [1] The following roles are current: BridgeheadRole FrontendTransportRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0283] [1] Reading components for the role 'BridgeheadRole' from 'res://BridgeheadRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0284] [1] Found 54 components [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0285] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0287] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0290] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0292] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0294] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0296] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0298] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0301] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0304] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0306] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0309] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Perf Counters' with 37 task information blocks from 'res://TransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0310] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0312] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0313] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0316] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0317] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 0 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeHeadAndGatewayTransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0319] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead AMService component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAMServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0321] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 24 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0327] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Configuration' with 53 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0329] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0330] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0332] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0334] [1] Loaded component 'Search Foundation Service Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SearchFoundationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0335] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0337] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0338] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0340] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0341] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0343] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0344] [1] Loaded component 'Malware Filtering Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MalwareFilteringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0352] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Antimalware component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntimalwareComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0353] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0355] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0356] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0358] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0359] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0361] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0362] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0364] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' with 15 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0367] [1] Loaded component 'AntiSpam Spam Filter Configuration' with 21 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadAntispamComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0369] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport Ffo only component' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0373] [1] Loaded component 'HubTransport ExO only component' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://ExODatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0375] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0376] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0378] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0379] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0381] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0382] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0384] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0385] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0387] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0388] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0390] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0393] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Exchange Streaming Optics Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ExchangeStreamingOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0394] [1] Reading components for the role 'FrontendTransportRole' from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0394] [1] Found 45 components [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0395] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0397] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0400] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0402] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Transport Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0404] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0406] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0407] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0409] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0411] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0412] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0416] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0417] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0419] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0420] [1] Loaded component 'Front End Role Setter' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportRoleSetterComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0422] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0424] [1] Loaded component 'Frontend Perf Counters' with 20 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0426] [1] Loaded component 'FrontentTransport Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://FrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0427] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0429] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0430] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0432] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0434] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0437] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0438] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0440] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0441] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0443] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0444] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0446] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0447] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0449] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0450] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter FrontendTransport Configuration' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0452] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0454] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters Exo Only Component' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0457] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0458] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0460] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0461] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0463] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0466] [1] Loaded component 'Frontdoor Ffo only component' with 41 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterFrontdoorComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0468] [1] Loaded component 'FrontendTransport ExO only component' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://ExoDatacenterFrontendTransportComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0469] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo datacenter monitoring component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterMonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0471] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0473] [1] Loaded component 'Ffo Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://FfoDatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0474] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0475] [1] Reading components for the role 'ClientAccessRole' from 'res://ClientAccessRoleDefinition.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0475] [1] Found 52 components [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0478] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0480] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0483] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 40 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0484] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0486] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0488] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Central Admin Perf Counters' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterCentralAdminPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0490] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0492] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0493] [1] Loaded component 'Health Manager' with 11 task information blocks from 'res://HealthManagerComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0495] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0498] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Perf Counters' with 44 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0502] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Configuration' with 32 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0504] [1] Loaded component 'POP/IMAP Backend Configuration' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://PopImapBeComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0506] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessExchangeCertificate.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0507] [1] Loaded component 'OWA Configuration' with 7 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessOwaComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0509] [1] Loaded component 'OAB Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessOabComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0510] [1] Loaded component 'ECP Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessEcpComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0512] [1] Loaded component 'RPC-over-HTTP Proxy Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessRpcProxyComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0514] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Services Configuration' with 16 task information blocks from 'res://ServicesComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0515] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0517] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0518] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0522] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0523] [1] Loaded component 'Address Book Service Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://AddressBookComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0525] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0526] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0528] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC over HTTP redirector firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcHttpRedirectorException.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0529] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0531] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0532] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0534] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0535] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0536] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0538] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0540] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0542] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0544] [1] Loaded component 'File distribution Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceControl.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0545] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0547] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Perf Counters' with 15 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0549] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0550] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0556] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Configuration' with 106 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0557] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0560] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterTransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0562] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Diagnostics Component' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterDiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0563] [1] Loaded component 'Diagnostics Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DiagnosticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0565] [1] Loaded component 'AuditService Component' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAuditServiceComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0566] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Optics Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterOpticsComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0568] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 13 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0570] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0571] [1] Loaded component 'Partner Hosted Client Access Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://PartnerHostedClientAccessComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0573] [1] Loaded component 'Visualization Framework install tasks' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://VisualizationFrameworkComponent.xml' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0575] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0576] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0576] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-ClientAccessRole-20201023-09272205751187739949.ps1' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0576] [1] Executing: $RoleAllRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,GatewayRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,MonitoringRole,CentralAdminRole,CentralAdminDatabaseRole,CentralAdminFrontEndRole,LanguagePacksRole,CafeRole,FfoWebServiceRole,OSPRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0577] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0578] [1] Executing: $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0579] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Datacenter' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0580] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0581] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0582] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0583] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0583] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0584] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0585] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0586] [1] Executing: $RoleDomainController = 'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0587] [1] Executing: $RoleExternalCASServerDomain = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0587] [1] Executing: $RoleFqdnOrName = 'Exchange.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0588] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'BuildToBuildUpgrade' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0589] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0590] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20201023-09272205751187739949' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0590] [1] Executing: $RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0591] [1] Executing: $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0592] [1] Executing: $RoleIsCafeRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0593] [1] Executing: $RoleIsClientAccessRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0594] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0594] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenterDedicated = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0595] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFfo = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0596] [1] Executing: $RoleIsFrontendTransportRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0597] [1] Executing: $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0598] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0600] [1] Executing: $RoleIsUnifiedMessagingRoleInstalled = $True [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0601] [1] Executing: $RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'C:\Users\Administrator.RW\Downloads\Exchangeservice\' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0602] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggedOnUser = 'RW\administrator' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0602] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0603] [1] Executing: $RoleNetBIOSName = 'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0604] [1] Executing: $RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = $False [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0605] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = '15.00.1210.003' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0605] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0606] [1] Executing: $RoleRoleName = 'ClientAccessRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0607] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,UnifiedMessagingRole,FrontendTransportRole,AdminToolsRole,CafeRole' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0608] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0608] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '15.00.1497.002' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0609] [1] Executing: $RoleUpdatesDir = $null [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0610] [1] 239 tasks were found to run. [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0610] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0610] [1] Executing: Set-WERRegistryMarkers; [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0612] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-WERRegistryMarkers' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0613] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0613] [2] Beginning processing Set-WERRegistryMarkers [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0620] [2] Ending processing Set-WERRegistryMarkers [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0621] [1] Executing: Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "ExchangeInstallPath" -Value "$RoleInstallPath" -Target Machine; [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0625] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-EnvironmentVariable' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0625] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'ExchangeInstallPath' -Value:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\' -Target:'Machine' [10.23.2020 07:27:22.0625] [2] Beginning processing Set-EnvironmentVariable [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0834] [2] Ending processing Set-EnvironmentVariable [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0837] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Common First' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0837] [1] Executing: if (Get-Service winmgmt* | ?{ $_.Name -ieq "winmgmt" }) { Set-Service winmgmt -StartupType Automatic Start-SetupService -ServiceName winmgmt } [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0842] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0842] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'winmgmt' [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0842] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0845] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0846] [1] Executing: & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 EnableServices $RoleRoleName.Replace('Role','') [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0856] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0858] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ----------------------------------------------- [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0859] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0860] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0862] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] * ServiceControl.ps1: 23.10.2020 09:27:27 [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0862] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0864] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0865] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Performing service control with options: [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0866] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0868] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0870] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ClientAccess is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0870] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0872] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0876] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Will enable services for the roles: ClientAccess. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0877] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0879] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0880] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling services for 'ClientAccess'... [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0881] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0883] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0884] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Service registry data file not present: C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ServiceStartupMode15.00.1497.002.xml [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0885] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0932] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0934] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'AppIDSvc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0935] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0937] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0938] [2] [WARNING] 'AppIDSvc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0939] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0940] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0942] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'IISAdmin'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0943] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0945] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0946] [2] [WARNING] 'IISAdmin' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0947] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0948] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0950] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeADTopology'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0951] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0955] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0956] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeADTopology' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0957] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0959] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0960] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDiagnostics'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0961] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0963] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0965] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDiagnostics' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0965] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0966] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0968] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeHM'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0969] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0971] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0973] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeHM' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0973] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0975] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0976] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeIMAP4'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0977] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0979] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0981] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeIMAP4' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0981] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0983] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0984] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0985] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0987] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0988] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0989] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0990] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0992] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangePOP3'. [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0992] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0994] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0996] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangePOP3' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0997] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0998] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:27.0999] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeRPC'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0000] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0002] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0004] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeRPC' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0004] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0006] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0008] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeServiceHost'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0008] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0010] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0012] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeServiceHost' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0013] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0014] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0017] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'pla'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0018] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0020] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0021] [2] [WARNING] 'pla' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0022] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0024] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0026] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'RemoteRegistry'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0027] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0028] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0030] [2] [WARNING] 'RemoteRegistry' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0031] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0032] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0034] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'W3Svc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0034] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0036] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0038] [2] [WARNING] 'W3Svc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0038] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0040] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0041] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'WinMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0042] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0044] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0045] [2] [WARNING] 'WinMgmt' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0046] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0048] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0049] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Script completed succesfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0050] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0051] [1] Executing: if ($RoleRoles) { & $RoleBinPath\ServiceControl.ps1 EnableServices $RoleRoles.Replace('Role','').Split(',') } [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0057] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0059] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ----------------------------------------------- [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0060] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0061] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0063] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] * ServiceControl.ps1: 23.10.2020 09:27:28 [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0064] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0065] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0067] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Performing service control with options: [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0067] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0069] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0071] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Bridgehead is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0071] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0073] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0074] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] ClientAccess is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0075] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0077] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0078] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Mailbox is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0079] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0085] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0087] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] UnifiedMessaging is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0087] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0089] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0090] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] FrontendTransport is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0091] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0093] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0094] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] AdminTools is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0095] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0097] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0098] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Cafe is a known role [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0099] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0101] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0102] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Will enable services for the roles: Bridgehead ClientAccess Mailbox UnifiedMessaging FrontendTransport AdminTools Cafe. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0103] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0105] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0106] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling services for 'Bridgehead ClientAccess Mailbox UnifiedMessaging FrontendTransport AdminTools Cafe'... [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0107] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0109] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0110] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Service registry data file not present: C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ServiceStartupMode15.00.1497.002.xml [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0111] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0218] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0220] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'AppIDSvc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0221] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0223] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0225] [2] [WARNING] 'AppIDSvc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0225] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0227] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0229] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'FMS'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0229] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0234] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0235] [2] [WARNING] 'FMS' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0236] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0237] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0239] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'hostcontrollerservice'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0239] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0241] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0243] [2] [WARNING] 'hostcontrollerservice' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0244] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0245] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0247] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'IISAdmin'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0247] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0249] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0251] [2] [WARNING] 'IISAdmin' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0251] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0253] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0254] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeADTopology'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0255] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0257] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0258] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeADTopology' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0259] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0260] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0262] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeAntispamUpdate'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0263] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0265] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0266] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeAntispamUpdate' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0267] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0268] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0270] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDagMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0270] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0272] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0274] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDagMgmt' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0274] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0276] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0277] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDelivery'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0278] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0280] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0281] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDelivery' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0282] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0283] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0285] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeDiagnostics'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0286] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0288] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0289] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeDiagnostics' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0289] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0289] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0294] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeEdgeSync'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0294] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0296] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0298] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeEdgeSync' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0299] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0312] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0313] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeFastSearch'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0314] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0316] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0318] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeFastSearch' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0318] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0320] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0321] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeFrontendTransport'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0322] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0324] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0325] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeFrontendTransport' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0326] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0327] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0329] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeHM'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0330] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0331] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0333] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeHM' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0334] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0335] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0337] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeIMAP4'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0337] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0339] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0341] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeIMAP4' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0341] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0343] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0344] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeIS'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0345] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0347] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0348] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeIS' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0349] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0351] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0352] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeMailboxAssistants'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0353] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0355] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0356] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeMailboxAssistants' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0357] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0358] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0360] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0361] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0363] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0364] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeMailboxReplication' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0365] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0366] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0368] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangePOP3'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0368] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0370] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0372] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangePOP3' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0372] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0374] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0375] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeRepl'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0376] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0379] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0380] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeRepl' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0381] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0383] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0384] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeRPC'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0385] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0387] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0388] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeRPC' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0389] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0390] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0392] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeServiceHost'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0393] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0394] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0396] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeServiceHost' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0397] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0398] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0400] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeSubmission'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0400] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0402] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0404] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeSubmission' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0404] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0406] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0407] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeThrottling'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0408] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0410] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0411] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeThrottling' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0412] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0413] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0415] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeTransport'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0416] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0417] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0419] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeTransport' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0420] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0421] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0423] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeTransportLogSearch'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0423] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0425] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0427] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeTransportLogSearch' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0427] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0429] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0430] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'MSExchangeUM'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0431] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0433] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0434] [2] [WARNING] 'MSExchangeUM' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0435] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0436] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0438] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'pla'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0438] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0440] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0442] [2] [WARNING] 'pla' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0443] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0444] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0447] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'RemoteRegistry'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0448] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0450] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0451] [2] [WARNING] 'RemoteRegistry' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0452] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0453] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0455] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'SearchExchangeTracing'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0456] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0457] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0459] [2] [WARNING] 'SearchExchangeTracing' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0460] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0461] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0463] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'W3Svc'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0463] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0465] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0467] [2] [WARNING] 'W3Svc' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0467] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0469] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0470] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'WinMgmt'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0471] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0473] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0474] [2] [WARNING] 'WinMgmt' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0475] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0476] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0478] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Enabling service 'wsbexchange'. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0479] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0481] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0482] [2] [WARNING] 'wsbexchange' did not exist, this is not an error as the sevice might have just been installed [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0483] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0484] [2] Beginning processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0486] [2] [ServiceControl.ps1] Script completed succesfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0486] [2] Ending processing Write-ExchangeSetupLog [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0490] [1] Executing: Start-SetupService -ServiceName RemoteRegistry [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0491] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'start-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0491] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'RemoteRegistry' [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0491] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0494] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupService [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0495] [1] Executing: Set-LocalPermissions [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0507] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-LocalPermissions' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0508] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:27:28.0508] [2] Beginning processing Set-LocalPermissions [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0423] [2] Ending processing Set-LocalPermissions [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0425] [1] Executing (non-critical): $mofFilePath = ($RoleInstallPath + "bin\Exchange.MOF"); $mflFilePath = ($RoleInstallPath + "bin\en\Exchange.MFL"); compile-moffile -MofFilePath:$mofFilePath; compile-moffile -MofFilePath:$mflFilePath; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0428] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'compile-moffile' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0429] [2] User specified parameters: -MofFilePath:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Exchange.MOF' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0429] [2] Beginning processing compile-moffile [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0674] [2] Exchange tracing provider was installed successfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0675] [2] Ending processing compile-moffile [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0677] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'compile-moffile' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0677] [2] User specified parameters: -MofFilePath:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\en\Exchange.MFL' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0677] [2] Beginning processing compile-moffile [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0694] [2] Exchange tracing provider was installed successfully. [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0695] [2] Ending processing compile-moffile [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0697] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCByPortRule) [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0703] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0703] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCByPortRule' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0703] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0715] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0716] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCEPMapByPortRule) [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0718] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0719] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeRPCEPMapByPortRule' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0719] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0728] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0731] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' (Die Verwaltungsbinärdateien werden vorkompiliert.). [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0732] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0742] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0742] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0742] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0745] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0801] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Rpc.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0801] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0802] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0804] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0806] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0806] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0806] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0809] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0856] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0856] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0858] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0862] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0864] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0864] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0864] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0867] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0907] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0907] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0909] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0913] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Common.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0915] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0915] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Common.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0915] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0917] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Common.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0956] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Common.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0956] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0957] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0962] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Core.Strings.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0964] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0964] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Core.Strings.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0964] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:47.0966] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Core.Strings.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0004] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Core.Strings.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0004] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0005] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0011] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Net.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0012] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0013] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Net.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0013] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0015] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Net.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0052] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Net.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0053] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0054] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0058] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Extensibility.Internal.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0060] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0060] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Extensibility.Internal.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0060] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0062] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Extensibility.Internal.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0102] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Extensibility.Internal.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0102] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0104] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0110] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.StoreProvider.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0112] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0112] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.StoreProvider.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0112] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0115] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.StoreProvider.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0152] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.StoreProvider.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0152] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0153] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0158] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0160] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0160] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0160] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0162] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0198] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0198] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0199] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0203] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mapi.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0205] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0205] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mapi.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0205] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0207] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mapi.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0244] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mapi.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0244] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0245] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0250] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0252] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0252] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0252] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0255] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0290] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0290] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0291] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0295] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ClientStrings.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0296] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0296] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ClientStrings.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0296] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0298] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ClientStrings.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0330] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ClientStrings.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0330] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0331] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0335] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0337] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0337] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0337] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0339] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0371] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0371] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0372] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0376] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0378] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0378] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0378] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0380] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0412] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0412] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0413] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0417] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0418] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0418] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0419] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0420] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0453] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0453] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0454] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0457] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Logging.Search.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0459] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0459] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Logging.Search.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0459] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0463] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Logging.Search.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0495] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Logging.Search.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0495] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0496] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0501] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.AntiSpam.Common.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0503] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0503] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.AntiSpam.Common.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0503] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0505] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.AntiSpam.Common.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0537] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.AntiSpam.Common.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0537] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0538] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0542] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0543] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0543] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0544] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0545] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0578] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0578] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0579] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0583] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0584] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0585] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0585] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0586] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0622] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0622] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0623] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0627] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSync.Common.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0628] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0628] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSync.Common.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0628] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0630] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSync.Common.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0662] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSync.Common.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0662] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0663] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0667] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessageSecurity.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0668] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0669] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessageSecurity.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0669] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0671] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessageSecurity.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0702] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessageSecurity.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0702] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0703] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0707] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0708] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0709] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0709] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0711] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0743] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0744] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0744] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0748] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0750] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0750] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0750] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0752] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0784] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\microsoft.exchange.transport.sync.migrationrpc.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0784] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0785] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0789] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0791] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0791] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0791] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0793] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0826] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0826] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0827] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0831] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0834] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0835] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0835] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0837] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0870] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.Replay.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0870] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0871] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0877] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplicaSeeder.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0879] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0879] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplicaSeeder.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0879] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0881] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplicaSeeder.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0912] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Cluster.ReplicaSeeder.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0912] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0914] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0917] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0919] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0919] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0919] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:48.0921] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0828] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0828] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0829] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0830] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SenderId.Core.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0832] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0832] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SenderId.Core.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0832] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0834] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SenderId.Core.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0865] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Agent.SenderId.Core.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0866] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0867] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0870] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0872] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0872] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0872] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0874] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0906] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0906] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0907] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0911] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Mobility.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0912] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0913] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Mobility.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0913] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0915] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Mobility.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0949] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Mobility.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0949] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0950] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0953] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipient.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0955] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0955] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipient.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0955] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0957] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipient.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0989] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipient.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0989] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0990] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0994] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PowerShell.configuration.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0996] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0996] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PowerShell.configuration.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0996] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:49.0998] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PowerShell.configuration.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0033] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PowerShell.configuration.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0034] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0035] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0038] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SnapIn.Esm.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0040] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0040] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SnapIn.Esm.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0040] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0042] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SnapIn.Esm.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0074] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SnapIn.Esm.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0074] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0075] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0082] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemManager.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0084] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0084] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemManager.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0084] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0086] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemManager.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0119] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemManager.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0119] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0119] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0124] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.ManagementGUI.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0125] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0125] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.ManagementGUI.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0125] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0127] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.ManagementGUI.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0159] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.ManagementGUI.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0159] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0160] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0164] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DetailsTemplates.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0165] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0166] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DetailsTemplates.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0166] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0168] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DetailsTemplates.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0200] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DetailsTemplates.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0200] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0201] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0205] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Edge.SystemManager.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0207] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0207] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Edge.SystemManager.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0207] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0209] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Edge.SystemManager.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0243] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Edge.SystemManager.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0243] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0244] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0248] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFrameworkInternalProvider.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0249] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0250] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFrameworkInternalProvider.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0250] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0252] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFrameworkInternalProvider.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0282] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFrameworkInternalProvider.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0283] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0284] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0287] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -Action queue; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0289] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0289] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll' -Action:'queue' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0289] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0291] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install /queue "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0322] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0322] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0323] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0327] [1] Executing (non-critical): precompile-ManagedBinary -Action executeQueuedItems; [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0328] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0329] [2] User specified parameters: -Action:'executeQueuedItems' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0329] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0330] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: executeQueuedItems [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0331] [2] Process standard output: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0331] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0332] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0335] [1] Processing component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' (Festlegen von Ordner- oder Registrierungsberechtigungen für die Postfachrolle: Clientzugriffsdienst. ). [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0336] [1] Executing: Set-LocalPermissions -Feature:"ClientAccess" [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0339] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-LocalPermissions' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0339] [2] User specified parameters: -Feature:'ClientAccess' [10.23.2020 07:27:50.0339] [2] Beginning processing Set-LocalPermissions [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0819] [2] Ending processing Set-LocalPermissions [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0820] [1] Processing component 'Common Perf Counters ' (Leistungsindikatoren werden konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0820] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ExchangeTopologyPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0824] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0824] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ExchangeTopologyPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0826] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0828] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ExchangeTopologyPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0828] [2] Performance counter name is Latest Exchange Topology Discovery Time in Seconds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0828] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Exchange Topology Discoveries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0828] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Siteless Servers, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0829] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Topology'. [10.23.2020 07:28:05.0939] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Topology'. [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0774] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0776] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName dscperf.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0783] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0783] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'dscperf.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0783] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:07.0785] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\dscperf.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:08.0616] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ADAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0253] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0255] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName TopologyServicePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0261] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0261] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'TopologyServicePerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0261] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0263] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\TopologyServicePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0263] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Active Work Item Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Work Items Executed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Work Items Cancelled, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Work Items Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Work Items Average Run Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Work Items Average Run Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0264] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ADAccess Topology Service'. [10.23.2020 07:28:09.0374] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ADAccess Topology Service'. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0252] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0255] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ForestDiscoveryPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0266] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0266] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ForestDiscoveryPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0266] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0268] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ForestDiscoveryPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is In-site Domain Controllers, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is In-site Global Catalogs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Out-of-site Domain Controllers, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Out-of-site Global Catalogs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Discovery Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Topology Version, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Average Discovery Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Average Discovery Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Max Discovery Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Last Topology Discovery Duration Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - Get Servers For Role Average Call Duration, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - Get Servers For Role Average Call Duration Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0270] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - Get Servers For Role Max Call Duration, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0271] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ADAccess Forest Discovery'. [10.23.2020 07:28:11.0401] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ADAccess Forest Discovery'. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0210] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0212] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName GlsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0222] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0222] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'GlsPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0222] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0224] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0227] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0247] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0248] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0248] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0249] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0249] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0249] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName GlsApiPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0251] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0252] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'GlsApiPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0252] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0253] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsApiPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0254] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsApiPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0256] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0259] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0259] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsApiPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0259] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0259] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0260] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName GlsProcessPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0261] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0261] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'GlsProcessPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0261] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0263] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsProcessPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0263] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsProcessPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0265] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0266] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0266] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\GlsProcessPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0266] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0266] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0266] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName DirectoryCacheServicePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0267] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0268] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'DirectoryCacheServicePerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0268] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0269] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\DirectoryCacheServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0270] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\DirectoryCacheServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0271] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0272] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0272] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\DirectoryCacheServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0272] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0272] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0273] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ADDriverCachePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0274] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0274] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ADDriverCachePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0274] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0276] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\ADDriverCachePerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0276] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\ADDriverCachePerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0278] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0279] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0279] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\ADDriverCachePerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0279] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0279] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0279] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ServiceProxyPoolCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0281] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0281] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ServiceProxyPoolCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0281] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0282] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ServiceProxyPoolCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Instance Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Current Outstanding Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Average Latency, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0283] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Latency, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0284] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ServiceProxyPool'. [10.23.2020 07:28:13.0360] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ServiceProxyPool'. [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0041] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0042] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MwiLoadBalancerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0047] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0047] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MwiLoadBalancerPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0047] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0049] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MwiLoadBalancerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0049] [2] Performance counter name is Total MWI Messages, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0050] [2] Performance counter name is Total Failed MWI Messages, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0050] [2] Performance counter name is Average MWI Processing Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0050] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeUMMessageWaitingIndicator'. [10.23.2020 07:28:15.0165] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeUMMessageWaitingIndicator'. [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0864] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0866] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName NspiRpcClientConnectionPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0870] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0871] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'NspiRpcClientConnectionPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0871] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0872] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\NspiRpcClientConnectionPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0873] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Open NSPI RPC Client Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0873] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange NSPI RPC Client Connections'. [10.23.2020 07:28:16.0986] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange NSPI RPC Client Connections'. [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0684] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0686] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName WorkloadManagementPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0690] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0690] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'WorkloadManagementPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0690] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0692] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\WorkloadManagementPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0696] [2] Performance counter name is Workload Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0696] [2] Performance counter name is Active Classifications, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0697] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement'. [10.23.2020 07:28:18.0802] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement'. [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0512] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0514] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName ClassificationPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0518] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0518] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ClassificationPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0519] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0520] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ClassificationPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Workload Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Active Thread Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Fairness Factor, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0521] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement Classification'. [10.23.2020 07:28:20.0640] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement Classification'. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0485] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0500] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName WorkloadPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0504] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0504] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'WorkloadPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0504] [2] Beginning processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0506] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\WorkloadPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0506] [2] Performance counter name is ActiveTasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is QueuedTasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is BlockedTasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is CompletedTasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is YieldedTasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is Tasks Per Minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is Average Step Execution Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0507] [2] Performance counter name is Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0508] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement Workloads'. [10.23.2020 07:28:22.0619] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange WorkloadManagement Workloads'. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0605] [2] Ending processing new-perfcounters [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0607] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UserThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0612] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0612] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'UserThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0612] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0613] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\UserThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Unique Budgets OverBudget, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Total Unique Budgets, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Delayed Threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Users At MaxConcurrency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Users Locked Out, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0614] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Users Micro Delayed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Users At Maximum Delay, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Number Of Users At Maximum Delay, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Number Of Users Micro Delayed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage Five Minute Window 99.9%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage Five Minute Window 99%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage Five Minute Window 75%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Average Budget Usage Five Minute Window, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage One Hour Window 99.9%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage One Hour Window 99%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Budget Usage One Hour Window 75%, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Average Budget Usage One Hour Window, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0616] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange User Throttling'. [10.23.2020 07:28:24.0748] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange User Throttling'. [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0544] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0546] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ResourceLoadPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0550] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0550] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ResourceLoadPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0550] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0552] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ResourceLoadPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0552] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Metric, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0553] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Load, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0553] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Resource Load'. [10.23.2020 07:28:26.0628] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Resource Load'. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0325] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0326] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName PingerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0332] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0332] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'PingerPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0332] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0334] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\PingerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0334] [2] Performance counter name is Pings Per Minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0335] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Pings, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0335] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Ping Timeouts, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0335] [2] Performance counter name is Cache Size, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0335] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Database Pinger'. [10.23.2020 07:28:28.0454] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Database Pinger'. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0143] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0145] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UserWorkloadManagerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0149] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0150] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'UserWorkloadManagerPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0150] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0151] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\UserWorkloadManagerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is Average Task Wait Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is Max Task Queue Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is Max Worker Thread Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is Task Queue Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is New Task Rejections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is New Task Rejections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is Total New Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0152] [2] Performance counter name is New Tasks Submitted/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Total Task Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Task Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Current Delayed Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Max Delay Per Minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Users Delayed X Milliseconds, type is CounterDelta64. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Delay Time Threshold, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Task Timeouts Per Minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0153] [2] Performance counter name is Max Delayed Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0154] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange User WorkloadManager'. [10.23.2020 07:28:30.0283] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange User WorkloadManager'. [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0002] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0004] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ActivityContextPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0009] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0009] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ActivityContextPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0009] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0011] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ActivityContextPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0011] [2] Performance counter name is Time in Resource per second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0011] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Activity Context Resources'. [10.23.2020 07:28:32.0128] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Activity Context Resources'. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0828] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0830] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName SharedCachePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0835] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0835] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'SharedCachePerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0836] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0837] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\SharedCachePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Total Requests, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Requests/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Cache Size, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Cache Hit Rate, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Requests, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Corrupt Entries, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0838] [2] Performance counter name is Disk Space (bytes), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0839] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Shared Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:28:33.0915] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Shared Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0537] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0538] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UnifiedPolicySyncPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0543] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0543] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'UnifiedPolicySyncPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0544] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0545] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\UnifiedPolicySyncPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Total Processing Time Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Total Processing Time Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Execution Delay Time Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Execution Delay Time Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Initialization Time Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0546] [2] Performance counter name is Initialization Time Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0547] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Policy Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0547] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Policy Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0559] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Rule Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0559] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Rule Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0559] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Binding Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Binding Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Association Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Time For Association Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Policy Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Policy Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Rule Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Rule Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0560] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Binding Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Binding Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Association Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is CrudMgr Time For Association Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is TenantInfo Processing Time Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is TenantInfo Processing Time Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is Persistent Queue Processing Time Per Sync Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is Persistent Queue Processing Time Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is Processed Sync Request Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0561] [2] Performance counter name is Processed Sync Request Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Sync Request Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Sync Request Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync Ws Call Transient Error Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync Ws Call Transient Error Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync CrudMgr Transient Error Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync CrudMgr Transient Error Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync Ws Call Permanent Error Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0562] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync Ws Call Permanent Error Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync CrudMgr Permanent Error Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Policy Sync CrudMgr Permanent Error Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Status Update Permanent Error Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Status Update Permanent Error Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Request Retry Number Per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Request Retry Number, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Number Per Sync Request, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Ws Call Number Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0563] [2] Performance counter name is Tenant Number Per Sync Request, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is Tenant Number Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is Object Number Per Sync Request, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is Object Number Per Sync Request Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksTransientFailed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateNone, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateReady, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateRunning, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateCompleted, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0564] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateFailed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DarTasksInStateCancelled, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DarTaskAverageDuration, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DarTaskAverageDurationBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Queue Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Queued Growth Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Scheduled Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Queue Scheduling Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Processed Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0565] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Queue Processing Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Failed Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Tasks Failures Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Transient Failed Tasks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Tasks Transient Failure Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Task Average Duration, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0566] [2] Performance counter name is DAR Task Average Duration Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0567] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSUnified Compliance Sync'. [10.23.2020 07:28:35.0642] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSUnified Compliance Sync'. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0311] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0315] [1] Processing component 'Provision Server' (Bereitstellen des Exchange-Serverobjekts). [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0315] [1] Executing: upgrade-ExchangeServer -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0333] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Upgrade-ExchangeServer' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0334] [2] User specified parameters: -Identity:'Exchange.rw.local' -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0334] [2] Beginning processing upgrade-ExchangeServer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0336] [2] Searching objects "Exchange.rw.local" of type "Server" under the root "$null". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0375] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0376] [2] Processing object "EXCHANGE". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0389] [2] No properties changed for the object "EXCHANGE". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0389] [2] [WARNING] The command completed successfully but no settings of 'EXCHANGE' have been modified. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0401] [2] Saving object "EXCHANGE" of type "Server" and state "Unchanged". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0433] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0435] [2] Ending processing upgrade-ExchangeServer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0436] [1] Executing: if ($server -eq $null) { Add-RoutingGroupMember -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName } [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0440] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Add-RoutingGroupMember' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0440] [2] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -ServerName:'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0440] [2] Beginning processing Add-RoutingGroupMember [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0443] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0461] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0474] [2] Ending processing Add-RoutingGroupMember [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0475] [1] Executing: if ( ($server -eq $null) -and ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true) ) { Update-RmsSharedIdentity -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName } [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0479] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Update-RmsSharedIdentity' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0479] [2] User specified parameters: -ServerName:'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0479] [2] Beginning processing Update-RmsSharedIdentity [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0497] [2] Ending processing Update-RmsSharedIdentity [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0503] [1] Processing component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' (Das Exchange Server-Konfigurationsobjekt wird in Active Directory erstellt.). [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0503] [1] Executing: buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName SharedMachineSettings -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0507] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'BuildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0507] [2] User specified parameters: -AtomName:'SharedMachineSettings' -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0507] [2] Beginning processing buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0509] [2] Calling exsetdata atom SharedMachineSettings in mode "Reinstall". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0523] [2] Entering CFileManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0523] [2] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:541) Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): Der angegebene Dienst ist kein installierter Dienst. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] ScGetClusterSvcDir (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1600) Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): Der angegebene Dienst ist kein installierter Dienst. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:437) Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0524] [2] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "RW" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3 [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] The computer is a member of a domain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Entering CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Leaving CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScReInitWithDC [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Reinitalizing the DS Manager, using the DC DC.rw.local [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] Getting information about the local domain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] m_strLocalServer = "EXCHANGE" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned: [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3 [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000 [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat = "RW" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameDns = "rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName = "rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0525] [2] User has specified a DC; m_strDC = "DC.rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0538] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0540] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0541] [2] schema master server name: DC.rw.local [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0542] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0543] [2] schema master domain : /dc=local/dc=rw [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0543] [2] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "DC.rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0543] [2] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=local/dc=rw" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0548] [2] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0548] [2] m_strRootDomain = "rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0548] [2] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "DC.rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0548] [2] m_strPermissionControlDC = "DC.rw.local" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0548] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0552] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0552] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0552] [2] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0552] [2] About to create the dob for object /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0553] [2] The schema version identified for the Server is 15312 [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0553] [2] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0553] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0553] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetCountOfOrgsInDomain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0555] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetCountOfOrgsInDomain [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0555] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0555] [2] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0555] [2] Checking permissions in the Config NC: /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0557] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0557] [2] We have permission ConfigNC_Read [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0558] [2] We have permission ConfigNC_Write [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0559] [2] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0559] [2] Checking permissions on the Schema container: /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0560] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0561] [2] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0561] [2] Checking permissions in the Domain NC: /dc=local/dc=rw [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0562] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0563] [2] We have permission DomainNC_Read [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0564] [2] We have permission DomainNC_Write [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0564] [2] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0565] [2] Found the organization "First Organization" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0565] [2] Checking read permissions on the org: /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=First Organization/cn=Administrative Groups [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0567] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0568] [2] We have permission ExchOrg_Read [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0568] [2] Checking write/security permissions on the org: /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=First Organization [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0569] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0571] [2] We have permission (ExchOrg_Write | ExchAG_Write) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0572] [2] We have permission (ExchOrg_SetPerms | ExchAG_SetPerms) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0572] [2] Looking for an existing server object [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0574] [2] Found existing server object "/dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=First Organization/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0574] [2] Checking permissions on the admin group: /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=First Organization/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0575] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0576] [2] We have permission ExchAG_Read [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0576] [2] We have permission ExchAG_Write [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0577] [2] We have permission ExchAG_SetPerms [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0577] [2] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0 [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0577] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0577] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScReInitWithDC [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0581] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0582] [2] Entering ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0584] [2] Leaving ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0584] [2] Attempting to escape RG name (Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0584] [2] The escaped RG name is (Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Entering ScSetAdminGroupNamesOnManagedCodeContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Leaving ScSetAdminGroupOnManagedCodeContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Entering ScSetupAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] Parameters: [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] idsAtomID: 0X0000DA25 ("Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.") [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] idsSetupMode: 0X0000F203 ("Neu installieren") [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] szDestDir: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15" [context value is: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] szSourceDir: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15" [context value is: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] szOrg: "" [context value is: "First Organization"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] szLegacyOrg: "" [context value is: "First Organization"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0593] [2] szAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0594] [2] szLegacyAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0594] [2] szAdminGroupContainingRoutingGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0594] [2] szRoutingGroup: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)" [context value is: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0594] [2] Looking for server object... [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0594] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Found server object; looking for serial number... [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Serial number is "Version 15.0 (Build 31497.2)" [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] s_fUpgradingFromPT is FALSE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScPreSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScStopAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScStopAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScPreSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0598] [2] Beginning Neu installieren of Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene. sub-component. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScCreateAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScCreateAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Configuring registry entries for Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScWriteRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0599] [2] Entering CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScRemoveLogOnLocallyRightsForDomainUsers [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScRemoveLogOnLocallyRightsForDomainUsers [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScWriteRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Entering CBaseExchangeAtom::ScRemove55ExchmemDLL [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Attempting to remove file C:\Windows\system32\exchmem.dll (if it exists) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] C:\Windows\system32\exchmem.dll did not exist [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CBaseExchangeAtom::ScRemove55ExchmemDLL [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CAtomSharedMachineSettings::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Creating Active Directory objects for Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshMetabaseKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Creating IIS Metabase objects for Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0602] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRefreshMetabaseKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScServicePackUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack1NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack1NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack2NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack2NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScServicePackEVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack2EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScTiServicePack2EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScServicePackEVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScServicePackUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene.)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Reference count for shared atom "Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene." is less than 0! [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Completed Neu installieren of Erforderliche Einstellungen auf Computerebene. sub-component. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0603] [2] Leaving ScSetupAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0604] [2] Ending processing buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0605] [1] Executing: buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName Server -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0607] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'BuildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0607] [2] User specified parameters: -AtomName:'Server' -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0607] [2] Beginning processing buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Calling exsetdata atom Server in mode "Reinstall". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering ScSetAdminGroupNamesOnManagedCodeContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving ScSetAdminGroupOnManagedCodeContext [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering ScSetupAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Parameters: [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] idsAtomID: 0X0000FAAD ("Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene") [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] idsSetupMode: 0X0000F203 ("Neu installieren") [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szDestDir: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15" [context value is: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szSourceDir: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15" [context value is: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szOrg: "" [context value is: "First Organization"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szLegacyOrg: "" [context value is: "First Organization"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szLegacyAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szAdminGroupContainingRoutingGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] szRoutingGroup: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)" [context value is: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)"] [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScPreSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScStopAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScStopAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScPreSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Beginning Neu installieren of Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene sub-component. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScCreateAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScCreateAtomServices [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Configuring registry entries for Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRefreshRegistryKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScAddOrRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Entering ScCreateServerObject [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0609] [2] Creating Server Object with DN = /dc=local/dc=rw/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=First Organization/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0611] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0614] [2] Leaving ScCreateServerObject [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0616] [2] Entering ScSetServerNetworkAddresses [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0617] [2] Entering ScGetServerDNSNameFromDS [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0625] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Leaving ScGetServerDNSNameFromDS [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Entering GetServerAppletalkAddress [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] socket() failed [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] GetServerAppletalkAddress (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:851) Error code 0X00273F (10047): Es wurde eine Adresse verwendet, die mit dem angeforderten Protokoll nicht kompatibel ist. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Leaving GetServerAppletalkAddress [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Network address: ncalrpc:EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Network address: ncacn_ip_tcp:Exchange.rw.local [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Network address: ncacn_spx:EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Network address: ncacn_np:EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0626] [2] Network address: netbios:EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0627] [2] Network address: ncacn_vns_spp:EXCHANGE [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0631] [2] Leaving ScSetServerNetworkAddresses [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0631] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScCreateSharedServerProtocolContainer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0633] [2] Attribut "787" = 'MCIS-Mitgliedschaftssystem (SSL)§DPA§DPASSL' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0636] [2] Attribut "805" = 'Untranslated ("ANSI")§ANSI' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0636] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScCreateSharedServerProtocolContainer [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0636] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScSetMailboxManagerDefaults [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0637] [2] Status code check (f:\15.00.1497\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\ds\x_dob.cxx:3370) Error code 0X8000500D (20493): Diese Eigenschaft wurde nicht im Cache gefunden. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Mailbox Manager already installed, preserving user settings [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScSetMailboxManagerDefaults [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScAddOrRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScRefreshDSObjects [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRefreshMetabaseKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Creating IIS Metabase objects for Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRefreshMetabaseKeys [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScServicePackUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScRunRegistryFile [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack1NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack1NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack2NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack2NodeUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScServicePackEVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScTiServicePack1EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack2EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScTiServicePack2EVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScServicePackEVSUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScServicePackUpdate [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene)::ScReinstall [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScUpdateSharedAtomRemovalControl [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScUpdateSharedAtomRemovalControl [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Completed Neu installieren of Microsoft Exchange-Objekte auf Serverebene sub-component. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Entering CAtomServer::ScPostSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving CAtomServer::ScPostSetup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0641] [2] Leaving ScSetupAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0642] [2] Ending processing buildToBuildUpgrade-ExsetdataAtom [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0643] [1] Executing: Add-DelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0646] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Add-DelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0646] [2] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0646] [2] Beginning processing Add-DelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0650] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0654] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0654] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Organization Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0657] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Exchange Trusted Subsystem,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0657] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Exchange Trusted Subsystem,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0676] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0681] [2] Adding the Organization Admininstrator universal security group to the built in local administrators group. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0683] [2] Adding the user 'S-1-5-21-3989682923-2610540852-1349522733-1615' to the local administrators group causes the exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Der angegebene Kontoname ist bereits Mitglied der Gruppe. --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- bei System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] args) bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.AddDelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup.AddToLocalAdminGroup(SecurityIdentifier sid, DirectoryEntry localAdminGroup, TaskVerboseLoggingDelegate logVerbose, String user). Add the user manually if this happens again. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0683] [2] Adding the Exchange Trusted Subsystem universal security group to the built in local administrators group. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0684] [2] Adding the user 'S-1-5-21-3989682923-2610540852-1349522733-1191' to the local administrators group causes the exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Der angegebene Kontoname ist bereits Mitglied der Gruppe. --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- bei System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] args) bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.AddDelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup.AddToLocalAdminGroup(SecurityIdentifier sid, DirectoryEntry localAdminGroup, TaskVerboseLoggingDelegate logVerbose, String user). Add the user manually if this happens again. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0685] [2] Ending processing Add-DelegatedGroupsToLocalAdminGroup [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0686] [1] Executing: initialize-ServerPermissions -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0689] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'initialize-ServerPermissions' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0690] [2] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0690] [2] Beginning processing initialize-ServerPermissions [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0692] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0695] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Exchange Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0695] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Exchange Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0712] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0718] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=EXCHANGE,OU=SBSServers,OU=Computers,OU=MyBusiness,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0729] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\EXCHANGE$". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0729] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\exchange$". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0730] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\exchange$". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0733] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\Exchange Servers". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0733] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\Exchange Servers". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0734] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\Exchange Servers". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0734] [2] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "RW\Exchange Servers". [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0735] [2] Ending processing initialize-ServerPermissions [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0739] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeADTopologyWCFFirewallRule) [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0741] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0741] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeADTopologyWCFFirewallRule' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0741] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0749] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0751] [1] Executing: if (!(get-service MSExchangeADTopology* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeADTopology"})) { Install-ADTopologyService } else { Update-ServiceExecutable -ServiceName:MSExchangeADTopology -Executable:"Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe" invoke-expression "sc.exe config MSExchangeADTopology depend= NetTcpPortSharing" Uninstall-TopologyService } [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0761] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'update-ServiceExecutable' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0761] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'MSExchangeADTopology' -Executable:'Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService.exe' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0761] [2] Beginning processing Update-ServiceExecutable [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0764] [2] Ending processing Update-ServiceExecutable [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0806] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-TopologyService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0806] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0807] [2] Beginning processing Uninstall-TopologyService [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0811] [2] Service 'MSExchangeTopologyService' isn't installed on this server. [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0812] [2] Ending processing Uninstall-TopologyService [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0813] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MapiNetPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0815] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0815] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MapiNetPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0815] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:37.0817] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MapiNetPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:38.0099] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Store Interface'. [10.23.2020 07:28:38.0512] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Store Interface'. [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0001] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0003] [1] Executing: $win7Ver = New-Object Version -ArgumentList "6.1"; if ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version -lt $win7Ver) { $useMachineKey = get-itemproperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name "UseMachineId" -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue; if ($useMachineKey -eq $null) { New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name "UseMachineId" -Value 1 -PropertyType Dword; } Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name "UseMachineId" -Value 1 -Type:Dword; } [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0019] [1] Executing: Uninstall-CrimsonManifest -DefinitionXml "bin\PushNotificationEvents.man"; Install-CrimsonManifest ` -DefinitionXml "bin\PushNotificationEvents.man" ` -MessageDll "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PushNotifications.CrimsonEvents.dll" ` -ProviderName "Microsoft-Exchange-PushNotifications"; if (!$RoleIsDatacenter -and !$RoleIsDatacenterDedicated) { $pathForwevutilcmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\wevtutil.exe; if (Test-Path $pathForwevutilcmd) { invoke-expression ($pathForwevutilcmd + " sl 'Microsoft-Exchange-PushNotifications/Analytics' /e:false"); } } [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0022] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0022] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\PushNotificationEvents.man' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0022] [2] Beginning processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0133] [2] Ending processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0137] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0137] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\PushNotificationEvents.man' -MessageDll:'bin\Microsoft.Exchange.PushNotifications.CrimsonEvents.dll' -ProviderName:'Microsoft-Exchange-PushNotifications' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0137] [2] Beginning processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0283] [2] Ending processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0303] [1] Executing: Uninstall-CrimsonManifest -DefinitionXml "bin\ComplianceEvents.man"; Install-CrimsonManifest ` -DefinitionXml "bin\ComplianceEvents.man" ` -MessageDll "bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Compliance.CrimsonEvents.dll" ` -ProviderName "Microsoft-Exchange-Compliance"; [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0304] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0304] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ComplianceEvents.man' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0304] [2] Beginning processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0388] [2] Ending processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0390] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0390] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ComplianceEvents.man' -MessageDll:'bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Compliance.CrimsonEvents.dll' -ProviderName:'Microsoft-Exchange-Compliance' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0390] [2] Beginning processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0513] [2] Ending processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0517] [1] Processing component 'Health Manager' (Der Server wird konfiguriert.). [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0517] [1] Executing: Uninstall-CrimsonManifest -DefinitionXml "bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man"; Install-CrimsonManifest ` -DefinitionXml "bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man" ` -MessageDll "bin\ActiveMonitoringEventMsg.dll" ` -ProviderName "Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring" [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0519] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0519] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0519] [2] Beginning processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0698] [2] Ending processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0699] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0700] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ActiveMonitoringEvents.man' -MessageDll:'bin\ActiveMonitoringEventMsg.dll' -ProviderName:'Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0700] [2] Beginning processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0937] [2] Ending processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0939] [1] Executing: Uninstall-CrimsonManifest -DefinitionXml "bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonEvents.man"; Install-CrimsonManifest ` -DefinitionXml "bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonEvents.man" ` -MessageDll "bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonMsg.dll" ` -ProviderName "Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability" [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0940] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0940] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonEvents.man' [10.23.2020 07:28:39.0940] [2] Beginning processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0117] [2] Ending processing Uninstall-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0119] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-CrimsonManifest' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0119] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionXml:'bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonEvents.man' -MessageDll:'bin\ManagedAvailabilityCrimsonMsg.dll' -ProviderName:'Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability' [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0119] [2] Beginning processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0355] [2] Ending processing Install-CrimsonManifest [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0356] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName WorkerTaskFrameworkPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0358] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0358] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'WorkerTaskFrameworkPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0358] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0360] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\WorkerTaskFrameworkPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0360] [2] Performance counter name is Workitem Execution Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0360] [2] Performance counter name is Active Workitem Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0360] [2] Performance counter name is Timed Out Workitem Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter name is Workitem Retrieval Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter name is Throttle Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter name is Query Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter name is Scheduling Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter name is Poisoned Workitem Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0361] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWorkerTaskFramework'. [10.23.2020 07:28:40.0477] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWorkerTaskFramework'. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0180] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0184] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName LocalDataAccessPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0188] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0188] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'LocalDataAccessPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0188] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0190] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\LocalDataAccessPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Last Probe Result ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Last Monitor Result ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Last Responder Result ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Last Maintenance Result ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Duration of PersistentState Write, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Duration of PersistentState Read, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Number of PersistentState results write into the file, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Number of PersistentState results read from the file, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0192] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWorkerTaskFrameworkLocalDataAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:28:42.0302] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWorkerTaskFrameworkLocalDataAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0056] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0058] [1] Executing: $file = 'MSExchangeHMHost.exe.config'; $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"), $file); copy-item ($fullPath + ".template") $fullPath; [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0071] [1] Executing: $file = 'MSExchangeHMWorker.exe.config'; $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"), $file); copy-item ($fullPath + ".template") $fullPath; set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "bin" -ConfigFileName $file; [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0075] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-InstallPathInAppConfig' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0075] [2] User specified parameters: -ConfigFileRelativePath:'bin' -ConfigFileName:'MSExchangeHMWorker.exe.config' [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0076] [2] Beginning processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0079] [2] Ending processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0096] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\MSExchangeHMHost.exe"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath; [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0098] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0098] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMHost.exe' [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0098] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:28:44.0100] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMHost.exe" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0323] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMHost.exe Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Online.CSE.SmartAlerts.DataContracts of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Office.OutlookService.ServiceApi of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.InstantMessaging of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.LiveServicesHelper of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.ApplicationCore of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.ServerConfiguration of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.Kernel of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.DataAnalysis of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Mdb of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Learning of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleICommunicateWith of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleRelevance, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.PiiProcessing of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.Configuration of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0323] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0325] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0326] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin\MSExchangeHMWorker.exe"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath; [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0328] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0328] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMWorker.exe' [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0328] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:28:45.0330] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMWorker.exe" /nologo /verbose [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0545] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeHMWorker.exe Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Online.CSE.SmartAlerts.DataContracts of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Office.OutlookService.ServiceApi of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Local.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.LiveServicesHelper of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.ApplicationCore of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.ServerConfiguration of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.Kernel of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.DataAnalysis of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Mdb of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Learning of assembly MSExchangeMailboxAssistants, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleICommunicateWith of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleRelevance, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.PiiProcessing of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.Configuration of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0545] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0546] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0548] [1] Executing: if (!(get-service MSExchangeHM* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeHM"})) { Install-HealthManagerService } [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0553] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeHealthManagerRPCFirewallRule) [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0555] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0555] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeHealthManagerRPCFirewallRule' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0556] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0564] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0567] [1] Executing: if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RoleDomainController)) { $masSid = add-ManagedAvailabilityServerGroupMember -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName } [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0575] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-ManagedAvailabilityServerGroupMember' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0576] [2] User specified parameters: -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -ServerName:'EXCHANGE' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0576] [2] Beginning processing add-ManagedAvailabilityServerGroupMember [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0579] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0581] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=EXCHANGE,OU=SBSServers,OU=Computers,OU=MyBusiness,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0584] [2] Used domain controller DC.rw.local to read object CN=Managed Availability Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0585] [2] [WARNING] Object CN=EXCHANGE,OU=SBSServers,OU=Computers,OU=MyBusiness,DC=rw,DC=local is already a member of group CN=Managed Availability Servers,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0587] [2] Ending processing add-ManagedAvailabilityServerGroupMember [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0590] [1] Processing component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' (Von Exchange 2003-Komponenten verwendete Registrierungswerte werden installiert/entfernt.). [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0590] [1] Executing: set-ExsetdataRegistryMarkers [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0593] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-ExsetdataRegistryMarkers' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0593] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0593] [2] Beginning processing set-ExsetdataRegistryMarkers [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0596] [2] Ending processing set-ExsetdataRegistryMarkers [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0597] [1] Processing component 'Client Access Perf Counters' (Die Leistungsindikatoren für den Clientzugriff werden installiert oder entfernt. ). [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0597] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OwaInstallSingleCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0598] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0598] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'OwaInstallSingleCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0598] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0600] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\OwaInstallSingleCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Current Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Current Unique Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Total Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Logons/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Total Unique Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Peak User Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0601] [2] Performance counter name is Current Users Light, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Current Unique Users Light, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Total Users Light, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Logons/sec Light, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Total Unique Users Light, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Peak User Count Light, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Current Users Premium, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Current Unique Users Premium, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0602] [2] Performance counter name is Total Users Premium, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Logons/sec Premium, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Total Unique Users Premium, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Peak User Count Premium, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Sessions Ended by Logoff, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Sessions Ended by Time-out, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Calendar Views Loaded, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Calendar View Refreshed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0603] [2] Performance counter name is Items Created Since OWA Start, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Items Updated Since OWA Start, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Items Deleted Since OWA Start, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Attachments Uploaded Since OWA Start, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Mail Views Loaded, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Mail View Refreshes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Messages Sent, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is IRM-protected Messages Sent, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0604] [2] Performance counter name is Average Search Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Searches, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Searches Timed Out, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Average Check Spelling Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0605] [2] Performance counter name is Spelling Checks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Conversions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Active Conversions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Rejected Conversions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Queued Conversion Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Conversions Ended by Time-out, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Conversions Ended with Errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Conversion Requests KB/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Conversion Requests KB/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0606] [2] Performance counter name is Conversion Responses KB/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Average Conversion Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Average Conversion Queuing Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Canary Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Names Checked, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Password Changes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Current Proxy Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy User Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy User Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0607] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Response Time Average, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Request Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Response Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is WSS Response Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is WSS Response Bytes/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is UNC Response Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is UNC Response Bytes/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is WSS Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0608] [2] Performance counter name is UNC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0609] [2] Performance counter name is AS Queries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0609] [2] Performance counter name is AS Queries Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0609] [2] Performance counter name is Store Logon Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0609] [2] Performance counter name is CAS Intra-Site Redirection Later to Earlier Version, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0609] [2] Performance counter name is CAS Intra-Site Redirection Earlier to Later Version, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is CAS Cross-Site Redirection Later to Earlier Version, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is CAS Cross-Site Redirection Earlier to Later Version, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Active Mailbox Subscriptions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Total Mailbox Notifications, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Notifications/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Total Usercontext ReInitialization requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Offline Exception Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0612] [2] Performance counter name is Connection Failed Transient Exception %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is Storage Transient Exception Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is Storage Permanent Exception Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Total Messages Sent, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Messages Sent/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Total Messages Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Messages Received/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Total Presence Queries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0613] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Presence Queries/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Total Message Delivery Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Message Delivery Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Sign-In Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Sign-In Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Users Currently Signed In, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Total Users, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Average Sign-In Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Sign-In Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0614] [2] Performance counter name is IM - Sent Message Delivery Failure %, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Failure rate of requests from OWA to EWS., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Request Time-Outs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Sender Photos - Total LDAP calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Sender Photos - Total LDAP calls returned non-empty image data, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Sender Photos - LDAP calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Sender Photos - Total entries in Recipients Negative Cache, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Sender Photos - Total number of avoided LDAP calls due to cache, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Aggregated Configuration - Rebuilds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0615] [2] Performance counter name is Aggregated Configuration - Reads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Aggregated Configuration - Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Session Data Cache - build starts, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Session Data Cache - builds completed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Session Data Cache - waited for preload to complete, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Session Data Cache - used, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Session Data Cache - timeout, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0617] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange OWA'. [10.23.2020 07:28:46.0818] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange OWA'. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0043] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0045] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName EcpPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0049] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0050] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'EcpPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0050] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0051] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\EcpPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0052] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0052] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0052] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions - Average Creation Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Sessions - Average Creation Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0053] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Creation Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Creation Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Activations Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Activations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Peak Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Active Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Active Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0054] [2] Performance counter name is ASP.Net Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is ASP.Net Request Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service Request Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Watson Reports, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Requests Redirected To Error Page, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Requests Redirected To Error Page/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0055] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - GetList Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - GetList Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - GetObject Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - GetObject Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - NewObject Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - NewObject Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0056] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - SetObject Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - SetObject Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - RemoveObject Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Web Service - RemoveObject Calls/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Activations Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Activations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Peak Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Average Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0057] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Average Response Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0058] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Request Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound Proxy Response Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0059] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0060] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0060] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0060] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0060] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0060] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Request Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Response Bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0062] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound Proxy Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Standard RBAC Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0066] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Control Panel'. [10.23.2020 07:28:49.0264] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Control Panel'. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0411] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0413] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RwsPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0417] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0418] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RwsPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0418] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0419] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\RwsPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0420] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals - Average Creation Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is RBAC Principals - Average Creation Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Peak, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Creation Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Creation Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0421] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Activations Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Activations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Peak Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Active Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is PowerShell Runspaces - Average Active Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is Request Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is Report Cmdlet Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0422] [2] Performance counter name is Report Cmdlet Failures/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Watson Reports, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Activations Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Activations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Peak Active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Average Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Requests - Average Response Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0423] [2] Performance counter name is Report Cmdlet - Average Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0424] [2] Performance counter name is Report Cmdlet - Average Response Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0424] [2] Performance counter name is Average Report Row, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0424] [2] Performance counter name is Average Report Row Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0424] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ReportingWebService'. [10.23.2020 07:28:51.0499] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ReportingWebService'. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0146] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0147] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerAvailabilityPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0152] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0152] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoworkerAvailabilityPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0152] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0154] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoworkerAvailabilityPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0154] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Free Busy Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0154] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process a Free Busy Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0154] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Meeting Suggestions Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process a Meeting Suggestions Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Average Number of Mailboxes Processed per Request, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Number of Mailboxes Processed per Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Cross-Site Free Busy Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Base forAverage Time to Process a Cross-Site Free Busy Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Cross-Forest Free Busy Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process a Cross-Forest Free Busy Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Availability Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0155] [2] Performance counter name is Suggestions Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Intra-Site Calendar Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Site Calendar Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest Calendar Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Public Folder Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Foreign Connector Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Intra-Site Calendar Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Site Calendar Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0156] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest Calendar Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Public Folder Request Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Foreign Connector Request Failure Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Map External Caller to Internal Identity, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time for External Caller to Internal Identity, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Federated Free Busy Calendar Queries, including OAuth (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Federated Free Busy Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Federated Free Busy Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0157] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process a Federated Free Busy Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Federated Free Busy Failures with OAuth(sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process a Federated Free Busy Request with OAuth, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process a Federated Free Busy Request with OAuth, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Current Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Intra-Site Proxy Free Busy Calendar Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Intra-Site Proxy Free Busy Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Process an Intra-Site Free Busy Request, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0158] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Process an Intra-Site Free/Busy Request, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Client-Reported Failures - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Client-Reported Failures - Autodiscover Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Client-Reported Failures - Timeout Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Client-Reported Failures - Connection Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Client-Reported Failures - Partial or Other Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Client-Reported Requests - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Client-Reported Requests - Less than 5 seconds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0159] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Client-Reported Requests - Less than 10 seconds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0160] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Client-Reported Requests - Less than 20 seconds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0160] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Client-Reported Requests - Over 20 seconds, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0160] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Availability Service'. [10.23.2020 07:28:53.0334] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Availability Service'. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0193] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0195] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerSharingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0199] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0199] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoworkerSharingPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0199] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0201] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoworkerSharingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Calendar Items Synchronized, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Contact Items Synchronized, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Synchronization Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Processed Synchronously, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Synchronization Timeouts, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Last Folder Synchronization Time (in seconds), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Average Folder Synchronization Time (in seconds), type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Synchronize a Folder, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Average Time to Request a Token for an External Authentication, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Time to Request a Token for an External Authentication, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful Token Requests for External Authentication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Failed Token Requests for External Authentication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0203] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Sharing Engine'. [10.23.2020 07:28:55.0322] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Sharing Engine'. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0092] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0093] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0098] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0098] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0098] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Performance counter name is Average Thread Sleep Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Performance counter name is Active PowerShell Runspaces, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Performance counter name is Active PowerShell Runspaces/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Performance counter name is Exchange Executing Cmdlets, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0100] [2] Performance counter name is Exchange Executing Cmdlets/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Organization Throttling Policy Cache Hit Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Organization Throttling Policy Cache Miss Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Organization Throttling Policy Cache Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Organization Throttling Policy Cache Length Percentage, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Throttling Policy Cache Hit Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Throttling Policy Cache Miss Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Throttling Policy Cache Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0101] [2] Performance counter name is Throttling Policy Cache Length Percentage, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0102] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Throttling'. [10.23.2020 07:28:57.0233] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Throttling'. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0954] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0955] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0960] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0960] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0960] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0962] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0962] [2] Performance counter name is Named Property cache entries., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Named Property cache misses., type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Base counter for Named Property cache misses., type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Active Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Active Delegate Sessions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Active Directory Settings Cache Entries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Active Directory Settings Refresh/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Items Moved to Dumpster/sec., type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0963] [2] Performance counter name is Items Copied to Dumpster/sec., type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Calendar Log Entries/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Dumpster Deletions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Dumpster Purges/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Dumpster Versions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Enumerations for Dumpster/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Forced Copied into Dumpster/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Moved in Dumpster not Kept/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Items Copy in Dumpster not Kept/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0964] [2] Performance counter name is Audit records for folder bind/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Audit records for group change/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Audit records for item change/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Total audits saved, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Audits saved/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for saving audits, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for saving audits, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Base of average time for saving audits, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0965] [2] Performance counter name is Items copied to discovery mailbox/sec., type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Number of mailbox searches that are queued, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Number of mailbox searches that are active, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Number of mailboxes being searched, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster versions reverted on failure., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Dumpster Active Directory Settings cache misses., type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Base counter for Dumpster Active Directory Settings cache misses., type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Activity Logger Activity Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0966] [2] Performance counter name is Activity Logger Selected Activities For Store, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0967] [2] Performance counter name is Activity Logger Exception Count on Store Submit, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0967] [2] Performance counter name is Activity Logger Exception Count on File Log, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0967] [2] Performance counter name is Activity Logger Activity Count written to File Log, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:28:58.0967] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Middle-Tier Storage'. [10.23.2020 07:28:59.0113] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Middle-Tier Storage'. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0054] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0056] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ActiveManagerClientPerfmon.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0061] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0061] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ActiveManagerClientPerfmon.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0061] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0062] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ActiveManagerClientPerfmon.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side Calls/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side Cache Hits, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side Cache Misses, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0063] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side Calls ReadThrough, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Client-side RPC Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Unique databases queried, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Unique servers queried, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Location cache entries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Location cache update time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Server-Information Cache Hits, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Server-Information Cache Misses, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is Server-Information Cache Entries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0064] [2] Performance counter name is CalculatePreferredHomeServer Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is CalculatePreferredHomeServer Calls/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is CalculatePreferredHomeServer Redirects, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is CalculatePreferredHomeServer Redirects/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls latency, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls latency time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to the local server latency, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to the local server time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in the local site latency, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0065] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in the local site latency time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in the remote site latency, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in the remote site latency time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in a remote domain latency, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is Average WCF calls to a remote server in a remote domain latency time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls to local server, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0066] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec to local server, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls to a remote server in local domain and local site, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec to a remote server in local domain and local site, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls to a remote server in remote site, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec to a remote server in remote site, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls to a remote server in a remote domain, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec to a remote server in a remote domain, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls returning an error, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec returning an error, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0067] [2] Performance counter name is WCF calls timing out, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0068] [2] Performance counter name is WCF Calls/Sec timing out, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0068] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Active Manager Client'. [10.23.2020 07:29:01.0212] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Active Manager Client'. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0070] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0072] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RmsPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0077] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0077] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RmsPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0077] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0078] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\RmsPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0079] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful Certify(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0079] [2] Performance counter name is Successful Certify()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0079] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful Certify(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0079] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful Certify(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0079] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful Certify(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed Certify(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Certify()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful GetClientLicensorCert(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Successful GetClientLicensorCert()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful GetClientLicensorCert(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful GetClientLicensorCert(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful GetClientLicensorCert(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0080] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed GetClientLicensorCert(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Failed GetClientLicensorCert()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful AcquireLicense(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Successful AcquireLicense()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful AcquireLicense(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful AcquireLicense(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful AcquireLicense(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed AcquireLicense(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Failed AcquireLicense()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0081] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful AcquirePreLicense(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Successful AcquirePreLicense()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful AcquirePreLicense(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful AcquirePreLicense(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful AcquirePreLicense(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed AcquirePreLicense(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Failed AcquirePreLicense()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful FindServiceLocations(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Successful FindServiceLocations()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0082] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful FindServiceLocations(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful FindServiceLocations(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful FindServiceLocations(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed FindServiceLocations(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Failed FindServiceLocations()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Total successful AcquireTemplates(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Successful AcquireTemplates()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for successful AcquireTemplates(), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0083] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for successful AcquireTemplates(), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for successful AcquireTemplates(), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Total failed AcquireTemplates(), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Failed AcquireTemplates()/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Total cache-hit of RMS Server Info, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Cache-hit of RMS Server Info/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Total cache-miss of RMS Server Info, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Cache-miss of RMS Server Info/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Total entries added into RMS Server Info cache., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0084] [2] Performance counter name is Entries added into RMS Server Info cache/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Total entries removed from RMS Server Info cache, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Entries removed from RMS Server Info cache/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Total L1 Cache-Hit of Rms License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is L1 Cache-Hit of RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Total L1 Cache-Miss of RMS License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is L1 Cache-Miss of RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Total L2 Cache-Hit of RMS License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is L2 Cache-Hit of RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0085] [2] Performance counter name is Total L2 Cache-Miss of RMS License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is L2 Cache-Miss of RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Total entries added into RMS License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Entries added into RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Total entries removed from RMS License Store, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Entries removed from RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Total files read by RMS License Store from Disk, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Files read by RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0086] [2] Performance counter name is Total files written by RMS License Store to Disk, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Files written by RMS License Store/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Total external successful certification requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Successful External Certification Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Total external failed certification requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Failed External Certification Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Total external successful AcquireLicense requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Successful External AcquireLicense Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Total external failed AcquireLicense requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0087] [2] Performance counter name is Failed External AcquireLicense Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0088] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Rights Management'. [10.23.2020 07:29:03.0255] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Rights Management'. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0254] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0256] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerMailTipsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0262] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0262] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoworkerMailTipsPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0262] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0263] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoworkerMailTipsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0264] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTipsConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0264] [2] Performance counter name is GetServiceConfiguration average response time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0264] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0264] [2] Performance counter name is In-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 99th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0264] [2] Performance counter name is In-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 95th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is In-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 90th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is In-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 80th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is In-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 50th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 99th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 95th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 90th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 80th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Cross-Forest GetMailTips Response Time, 50th Percentile, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0265] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Average Recipient Number, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is Average Active Directory Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is MailboxFull Answered Within One Second, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailboxFull Answered Within One Second, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is MailboxFull Answered Within Three Seconds, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailboxFull Answered Within Three Seconds, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0266] [2] Performance counter name is MailboxFull Answered Within Ten Seconds, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailboxFull Answered Within Ten Seconds, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is MailboxFull with Positive Responses, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Automatic Replies (1 sec), type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Base counter for Automatic Replies (1 sec), type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Automatic Replies (3 sec), type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Base counter for Automatic Replies (3 sec), type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Automatic Replies (10 sec), type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0267] [2] Performance counter name is Base counter for Automatic Replies (10 sec), type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is Automatic Replies Turned On, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Queries Answered Within One Second, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailTips Queries Answered Within One Second, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Queries Answered Within Three Seconds, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailTips Queries Answered Within Three Seconds, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Queries Answered Within Ten Seconds, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0268] [2] Performance counter name is Base Counter for MailTips Queries Answered Within Ten Seconds, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Intra-Site MailTips Failures (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is Count of GroupMetrics Queries (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Current Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Accumulated Recipients, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Accumulated Mailbox Sourced Recipients, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Accumulated Exception Recipients, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0269] [2] Performance counter name is MailTips Accumulated Requests, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0270] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MailTips'. [10.23.2020 07:29:05.0418] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MailTips'. [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0293] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0295] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerUserPhotosPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0302] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0303] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoworkerUserPhotosPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0303] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0304] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoworkerUserPhotosPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0305] [2] Performance counter name is UserPhotos Current Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0305] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange UserPhotos'. [10.23.2020 07:29:07.0385] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange UserPhotos'. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0012] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0014] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AirSyncCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0018] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0018] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'AirSyncCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0019] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0020] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\AirSyncCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0021] [2] Performance counter name is Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0021] [2] Performance counter name is Current Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0021] [2] Performance counter name is Incoming Proxy Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0021] [2] Performance counter name is Outgoing Proxy Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0021] [2] Performance counter name is Wrong CAS Proxy Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Average Request Time, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Average Hang Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Get Hierarchy Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Get Hierarchy Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Move Items Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0022] [2] Performance counter name is Move Items Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Meeting Response Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Meeting Response Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Sync Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Sync Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Update Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Update Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0023] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Create Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Create Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Delete Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Folder Delete Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Options Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Options Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0024] [2] Performance counter name is Recovery Sync Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Recovery Sync Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Get Item Estimate Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Get Item Estimate Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Create Collection Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Create Collection Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Move Collection Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Move Collection Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0025] [2] Performance counter name is Delete Collection Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Delete Collection Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Get Attachment Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Get Attachment Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is IRM-protected Message Downloads - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is IRM-protected Message Downloads/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Send IRM-protected Messages - Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Send IRM-protected Messages/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0026] [2] Performance counter name is Send Mail Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Send Mail Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Smart Reply Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Smart Reply Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Smart Forward Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Smart Forward Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Search Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is Search Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0027] [2] Performance counter name is GAL Search Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is GAL Searches/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Search Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Searches/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Document Library Search Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Document Library Searches/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Item Operations Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Item Operations Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0028] [2] Performance counter name is Document Library Fetch Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Document Library Fetch Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Item Fetch Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Item Fetch Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Empty Folder Contents Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Empty Folder Contents/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Attachment Fetch Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Attachment Fetch Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0029] [2] Performance counter name is Settings Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Settings Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Ping Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Ping Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Ping Commands Pending, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Ping Dropped Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Ping Commands Dropped/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Heartbeat Interval, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0030] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Commands/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Item Conversion Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Bad Item Reports Generated Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Logon Commands Sent Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Logon Received Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Sync State KBytes Left Compressed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Sync State KBytes Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Commands Pending, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0031] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Dropped Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Sync Commands Dropped/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Conflicting Concurrent Sync Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Conflicting Concurrent Sync/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Number of AD Policy Queries on Reconnect, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Notification Manager Objects in Memory, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Availability Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Availability Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0032] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Mailbox Connection Failures/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Offline Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Average RPC Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0033] [2] Performance counter name is Average LDAP Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0034] [2] Performance counter name is Number of auto-blocked devices, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0034] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ActiveSync'. [10.23.2020 07:29:09.0232] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange ActiveSync'. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0393] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0394] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ClientAccessRulesPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0399] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0399] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ClientAccessRulesPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0399] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0401] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ClientAccessRulesPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0401] [2] Performance counter name is ClientAccessRules Evaluation Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0401] [2] Performance counter name is ClientAccessRules Evaluation Blocks, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0401] [2] Performance counter name is ClientAccessRules Evaluation Calls that took over 10ms, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0401] [2] Performance counter name is ClientAccessRules Evaluation Calls that took over 50ms, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0402] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeCAR'. [10.23.2020 07:29:11.0509] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeCAR'. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0182] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0183] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Imap4Counters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0188] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0188] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'Imap4Counters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0188] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0190] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\Imap4Counters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0190] [2] Performance counter name is Current Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Rejected, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Current Unauthenticated Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Unauthenticated Connections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Current Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Connections Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Total Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0191] [2] Performance counter name is Active SSL Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is SSL Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Commands, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Commands Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Append Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Append Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Append Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Authenticate Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Authenticate Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0192] [2] Performance counter name is Authenticate Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Capability Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Capability Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Capability Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Check Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Check Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Check Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Close Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Close Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0193] [2] Performance counter name is Close Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Copy Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Copy Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Copy Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Create Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Create Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Create Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Delete Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0194] [2] Performance counter name is Delete Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Delete Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Examine Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Examine Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Examine Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Expunge Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Expunge Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Expunge Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0195] [2] Performance counter name is Fetch Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Fetch Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Fetch Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Idle Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Idle Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Idle Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is List Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is List Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is List Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0196] [2] Performance counter name is Login Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Login Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Login Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Logout Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Logout Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Logout Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is LSUB Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is LSUB Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is LSUB Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0197] [2] Performance counter name is Move Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is Move Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is Move Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is ID Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is ID Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is ID Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is Namespace Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is Namespace Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is Namespace Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0198] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Rename Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Rename Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Rename Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Request Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0199] [2] Performance counter name is Request Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Search Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Search Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Search Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Select Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Select Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is Select Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is STARTTLS Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is STARTTLS Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0200] [2] Performance counter name is STARTTLS Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Status Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Status Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Status Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Store Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Store Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Store Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0201] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is XPROXY Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is XPROXY Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is XPROXY Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Average Command Processing Time (milliseconds), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0202] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is SearchFolder Creation Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is SearchFolder Creation Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Folder View Reload Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Folder View Reload Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Mailbox Connection Failures/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Offline Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0203] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Average RPC Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Average LDAP Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Total IMAP UID Fixes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Current IMAP UID Fixes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0204] [2] Performance counter name is Total IMAP UID Items Fixed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0205] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeImap4'. [10.23.2020 07:29:13.0415] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeImap4'. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0661] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0663] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Pop3Counters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0667] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0668] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'Pop3Counters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0668] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0669] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\Pop3Counters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Current, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Rejected, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Current Unauthenticated Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Unauthenticated Connections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0670] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Current Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Connections Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Total Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is Active SSL Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is SSL Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Commands, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Commands Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is AUTH Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is AUTH Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0671] [2] Performance counter name is AUTH Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is CAPA Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is CAPA Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is CAPA Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is DELE Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is DELE Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is DELE Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is LIST Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0672] [2] Performance counter name is LIST Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is LIST Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is NOOP Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is PASS Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is PASS Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is PASS Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is QUIT Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0673] [2] Performance counter name is QUIT Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is QUIT Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is Request Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is Request Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is RETR Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is RETR Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is RETR Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is RSET Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0674] [2] Performance counter name is RSET Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is RSET Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STAT Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STAT Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STAT Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STLS Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STLS Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is STLS Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0675] [2] Performance counter name is TOP Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is TOP Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is TOP Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is UIDL Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is UIDL Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is UIDL Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is USER Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is USER Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is USER Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0676] [2] Performance counter name is XPRX Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is XPRX Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is XPRX Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Average Command Processing Time (milliseconds), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Connections Rate, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Mailbox Connection Failures/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Mailbox Offline Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Storage Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0677] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0678] [2] Performance counter name is Permanent Active Directory Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0678] [2] Performance counter name is Transient Errors/minute, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0678] [2] Performance counter name is Average RPC Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0678] [2] Performance counter name is Average LDAP Latency, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0678] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangePop3'. [10.23.2020 07:29:15.0836] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangePop3'. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0814] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0816] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName WsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0821] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0821] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'WsPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0821] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0823] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\WsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0825] [2] Performance counter name is AddAggregatedAccount Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is AddAggregatedAccount Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is AddAggregatedAccount Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is IsOffice365Domain Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is IsOffice365Domain Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is IsOffice365Domain Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is GetAggregatedAccount Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is GetAggregatedAccount Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is GetAggregatedAccount Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0826] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveAggregatedAccount Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveAggregatedAccount Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveAggregatedAccount Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is SetAggregatedAccount Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is SetAggregatedAccount Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is SetAggregatedAccount Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is GetItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is GetItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0827] [2] Performance counter name is GetItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is ConvertId Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is ConvertId Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is ConvertId Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of Ids converted, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is Ids Converted/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is CreateItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is CreateItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is CreateItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0828] [2] Performance counter name is PostModernGroupItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is PostModernGroupItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is PostModernGroupItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateAndPostModernGroupItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateAndPostModernGroupItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateAndPostModernGroupItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is CreateResponseFromModernGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is CreateResponseFromModernGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0829] [2] Performance counter name is CreateResponseFromModernGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadLargeItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadLargeItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is UploadLargeItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is ChunkUpload Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is ChunkUpload Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0830] [2] Performance counter name is ChunkUpload Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteLargeItemUpload Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteLargeItemUpload Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteLargeItemUpload Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is ExportItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is ExportItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is ExportItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0831] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItemInRecoverableItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItemInRecoverableItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItemInRecoverableItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAllItemsAsRead Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0832] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAllItemsAsRead Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAllItemsAsRead Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAsJunk Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAsJunk Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAsJunk Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAsJunk Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtension Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtension Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtension Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0833] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetClientExtension Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetClientExtension Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetClientExtension Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetEncryptionConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetEncryptionConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is SetEncryptionConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0834] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUnifiedMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUnifiedMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUnifiedMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppManifests Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppManifests Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppManifests Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtensionToken Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtensionToken Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtensionToken Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0835] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is InstallApp Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is InstallApp Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is InstallApp Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is UninstallApp Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is UninstallApp Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0836] [2] Performance counter name is UninstallApp Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is DisableApp Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is DisableApp Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is DisableApp Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppMarketplaceUrl Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppMarketplaceUrl Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppMarketplaceUrl Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is AddImContactToGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is AddImContactToGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0837] [2] Performance counter name is AddImContactToGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0838] [2] Performance counter name is AddImContactToGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0838] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImContactFromGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0838] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImContactFromGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0838] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImContactFromGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0838] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImContactFromGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewImContactToGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewImContactToGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewImContactToGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewImContactToGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0840] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddNewTelUriContactToGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddDistributionGroupToImList Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddDistributionGroupToImList Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddDistributionGroupToImList Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddDistributionGroupToImList Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddImGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddImGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0841] [2] Performance counter name is AddImGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is AddImGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItemList Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItemList Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItemList Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItemList Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0842] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is GetImItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveContactFromImList Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveContactFromImList Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveContactFromImList Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveContactFromImList Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDistributionGroupFromImList Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDistributionGroupFromImList Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0843] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDistributionGroupFromImList Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDistributionGroupFromImList Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveImGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is SetImGroup Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0844] [2] Performance counter name is SetImGroup Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImGroup Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImListMigrationCompleted Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImListMigrationCompleted Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImListMigrationCompleted Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is SetImListMigrationCompleted Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0845] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0846] [2] Performance counter name is GetThreadedConversationItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is GetThreadedConversationItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is GetThreadedConversationItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationAttachments Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationAttachments Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationAttachments Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is SetModernGroupMembership Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is SetModernGroupMembership Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is SetModernGroupMembership Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0847] [2] Performance counter name is SendItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is SendItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is SendItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is ArchiveItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is ArchiveItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is ArchiveItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is MoveItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is MoveItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0848] [2] Performance counter name is MoveItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CopyItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CopyItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CopyItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is GetFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is GetFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is GetFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0849] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolderPath Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolderPath Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolderPath Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateManagedFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateManagedFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is CreateManagedFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0850] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is EmptyFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is EmptyFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is EmptyFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is MoveFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0851] [2] Performance counter name is MoveFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is MoveFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is CopyFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is CopyFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is CopyFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is FindItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is FindItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is FindItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is FindFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0852] [2] Performance counter name is FindFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is FindFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ResolveNames Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ResolveNames Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ResolveNames Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandDL Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandDL Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandDL Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is GetPasswordExpirationDate Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0853] [2] Performance counter name is GetPasswordExpirationDate Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is GetPasswordExpirationDate Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is GetPasswordExpirationDate Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is CreateAttachment Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is CreateAttachment Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is CreateAttachment Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteAttachment Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteAttachment Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0854] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteAttachment Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetAttachment Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetAttachment Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetAttachment Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientAccessToken Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientAccessToken Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientAccessToken Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0855] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetStreamingEvents Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetStreamingEvents Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetStreamingEvents Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetEvents Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetEvents Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0856] [2] Performance counter name is GetEvents Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetServiceConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetServiceConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetServiceConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderHierarchy Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderHierarchy Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0857] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderHierarchy Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderItems Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderItems Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderItems Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is GetDelegate Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is GetDelegate Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is GetDelegate Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is AddDelegate Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0858] [2] Performance counter name is AddDelegate Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is AddDelegate Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDelegate Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDelegate Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDelegate Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateDelegate Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateDelegate Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateDelegate Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0859] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUserConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUserConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUserConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateUserConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateUserConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0860] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateUserConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUserConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUserConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUserConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserAvailability Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserAvailability Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserAvailability Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserOofSettings Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0861] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserOofSettings Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserOofSettings Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is SetUserOofSettings Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is SetUserOofSettings Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is SetUserOofSettings Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingMetadata Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingMetadata Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingMetadata Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshSharingFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0862] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshSharingFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshSharingFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is SetTeamMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is SetTeamMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is SetTeamMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is SetTeamMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0863] [2] Performance counter name is UnpinTeamMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is UnpinTeamMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is UnpinTeamMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is UnpinTeamMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is GetRoomLists Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is GetRoomLists Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is GetRoomLists Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToPushNotification Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0864] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToPushNotification Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToPushNotification Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is RequestDeviceRegistrationChallenge Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is Push Notification Registration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is RequestDeviceRegistrationChallenge Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is RequestDeviceRegistrationChallenge Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0865] [2] Performance counter name is UnsubscribeToPushNotification Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is UnsubscribeToPushNotification Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is UnsubscribeToPushNotification Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is GetRooms Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is GetRooms Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is GetRooms Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is PerformReminderAction Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is PerformReminderAction Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0866] [2] Performance counter name is PerformReminderAction Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0867] [2] Performance counter name is GetReminders Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0867] [2] Performance counter name is GetReminders Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0867] [2] Performance counter name is GetReminders Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0867] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0867] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is LogPushNotificationData Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is LogPushNotificationData Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is LogPushNotificationData Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is Deprovision Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is Deprovision Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is Deprovision Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is FindConversation Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0868] [2] Performance counter name is FindConversation Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is FindConversation Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is FindPeople Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is FindPeople Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is FindPeople Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is SyncPeople Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is SyncPeople Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is SyncPeople Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is SyncAutoCompleteRecipients Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0869] [2] Performance counter name is SyncAutoCompleteRecipients Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is SyncAutoCompleteRecipients Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is GetPersona Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is GetPersona Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is GetPersona Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is SyncConversation Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is SyncConversation Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is SyncConversation Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0870] [2] Performance counter name is GetTimeZoneOffsets Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is GetTimeZoneOffsets Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is GetTimeZoneOffsets Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is TimeZoneOffsets Tables Built, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywords Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywords Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywords Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is GetSearchableMailboxes Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is GetSearchableMailboxes Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0871] [2] Performance counter name is GetSearchableMailboxes Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is SearchMailboxes Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is SearchMailboxes Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is SearchMailboxes Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetHoldOnMailboxes Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetHoldOnMailboxes Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0872] [2] Performance counter name is GetHoldOnMailboxes Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is SetHoldOnMailboxes Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is SetHoldOnMailboxes Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is SetHoldOnMailboxes Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemStatistics Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemStatistics Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemStatistics Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemDetails Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemDetails Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0873] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemDetails Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserRetentionPolicyTags Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserRetentionPolicyTags Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserRetentionPolicyTags Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhone Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhone Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhone Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetPhoneCallInformation Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetPhoneCallInformation Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0874] [2] Performance counter name is GetPhoneCallInformation Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is DisconnectPhoneCall Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is DisconnectPhoneCall Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is DisconnectPhoneCall Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMPrompt Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMPrompt Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMPrompt Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPrompt Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPrompt Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0875] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPrompt Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPromptNames Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPromptNames Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPromptNames Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUMPrompts Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUMPrompts Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUMPrompts Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetServerTimeZones Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetServerTimeZones Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0876] [2] Performance counter name is GetServerTimeZones Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is SendNotification Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is SendNotification Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is SendNotification Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is FindMessageTrackingReport Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is FindMessageTrackingReport Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is FindMessageTrackingReport Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is GetMessageTrackingReport Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0877] [2] Performance counter name is GetMessageTrackingReport Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is GetMessageTrackingReport Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ApplyConversationAction Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ApplyConversationAction Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ApplyConversationAction Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ExecuteDiagnosticMethod Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ExecuteDiagnosticMethod Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is ExecuteDiagnosticMethod Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is GetInboxRules Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0878] [2] Performance counter name is GetInboxRules Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is GetInboxRules Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is GetInboxRules Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateInboxRules Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateInboxRules Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateInboxRules Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateInboxRules Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is IsUMEnabled Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is IsUMEnabled Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0879] [2] Performance counter name is IsUMEnabled Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is IsUMEnabled Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMProperties Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMProperties Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMProperties Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMProperties Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is SetOofStatus Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is SetOofStatus Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is SetOofStatus Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0880] [2] Performance counter name is SetOofStatus Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetPlayOnPhoneDialString Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetPlayOnPhoneDialString Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetPlayOnPhoneDialString Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetPlayOnPhoneDialString Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetTelephoneAccessFolderEmail Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetTelephoneAccessFolderEmail Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetTelephoneAccessFolderEmail Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetTelephoneAccessFolderEmail Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0881] [2] Performance counter name is SetMissedCallNotificationEnabled Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is SetMissedCallNotificationEnabled Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is SetMissedCallNotificationEnabled Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is SetMissedCallNotificationEnabled Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is ResetPIN Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is ResetPIN Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is ResetPIN Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is ResetPIN Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0882] [2] Performance counter name is GetCallInfo Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is GetCallInfo Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is GetCallInfo Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is GetCallInfo Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is Disconnect Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is Disconnect Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is Disconnect Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0883] [2] Performance counter name is Disconnect Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhoneGreeting Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhoneGreeting Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhoneGreeting Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhoneGreeting Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is Total StreamedEvents, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is StreamedEvents/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is Total Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0884] [2] Performance counter name is Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Created, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Created/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Deleted, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Deleted/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Sent, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Sent/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0885] [2] Performance counter name is Items Read, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Read/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Updated, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Updated/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Copied, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Copied/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Moved, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Items Moved/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Created, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0886] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Created/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Deleted, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Deleted/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Read, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Sent/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Updated, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Updated/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Copied, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0887] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Copied/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Moved, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Moved/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Synchronized, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Folders Synced/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Items Synchronized, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Items Synced/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Push Notifications Succeeded, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0888] [2] Performance counter name is Push Notifications Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Active Streaming Connections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Active Subscriptions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Total Failed Subscriptions, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Failed Subscriptions/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is TotalClientDisconnects, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Process ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0889] [2] Performance counter name is Completed Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Completed requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Request rejections, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Request rejections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Number of current proxy calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Total number of proxied requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Proxied Requests per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Total number of bytes proxied, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0890] [2] Performance counter name is Total number of proxy response bytes, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is Total number of proxy failover, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Proxy Failovers per Second, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is Proxy Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhoto Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhoto Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhoto Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is AddAggregatedAccount Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0891] [2] Performance counter name is IsOffice365Domain Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is GetAggregatedAccount Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveAggregatedAccount Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is SetAggregatedAccount Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is CopyFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is ArchiveItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is CopyItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0892] [2] Performance counter name is CreateFolderPath Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is CreateItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is PostModernGroupItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateAndPostModernGroupItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is CreateResponseFromModernGroup Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is CreateManagedFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0893] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandDL Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is FindFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is FindItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is FindConversation Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is FindPeople Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is SyncPeople Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is SyncAutoCompleteRecipients Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0894] [2] Performance counter name is GetPersona Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is SyncConversation Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetTimeZoneOffsets Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetEvents Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetStreamingEvents Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetMailTips Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is PlayOnPhone Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0895] [2] Performance counter name is GetPhoneCallInformation Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is DisconnectPhoneCall Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMPrompt Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPrompt Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPromptNames Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUMPrompts Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is GetServiceConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is GetItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0896] [2] Performance counter name is GetServerTimeZones Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is MoveFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is MoveItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is ResolveNames Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is SendItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is Subscribe Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is Unsubscribe Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0897] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0898] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateItemInRecoverableItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is CreateAttachment Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteAttachment Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is GetAttachment Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientAccessToken Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is SendNotification Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is SyncFolderHierarchy Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0899] [2] Performance counter name is ConvertId Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is GetDelegate Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is AddDelegate Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is RemoveDelegate Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateDelegate Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUserConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteUserConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateUserConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0900] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserAvailability Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserOofSettings Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is SetUserOofSettings Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingMetadata Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshSharingFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is GetSharingFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is GetRoomLists Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is GetRooms Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0901] [2] Performance counter name is PerformReminderAction Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is GetReminders Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is Provision Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is Deprovision Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is LogPushNotificationData Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is FindMessageTrackingReport Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is GetMessageTrackingReport Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is ApplyConversationAction Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is EmptyFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0902] [2] Performance counter name is UploadItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is ExportItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is ExecuteDiagnosticMethod Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywords Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is GetSearchableMailboxes Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is SearchMailboxes Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is GetHoldOnMailboxes Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is SetHoldOnMailboxes Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0903] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemStatistics Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is GetNonIndexableItemDetails Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is MarkAllItemsAsRead Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtension Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is SetClientExtension Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is SetEncryptionConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToPushNotification Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is UnsubscribeToPushNotification Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0904] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUnifiedMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppManifests Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is InstallApp Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is UninstallApp Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is DisableApp Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetAppMarketplaceUrl Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientExtensionToken Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0905] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is GetThreadedConversationItems Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is GetModernConversationAttachments Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is SetModernGroupMembership Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserRetentionPolicyTags Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhoto Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is StartFindInGALSpeechRecognition Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is StartFindInGALSpeechRecognition Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is StartFindInGALSpeechRecognition Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0906] [2] Performance counter name is StartFindInGALSpeechRecognition Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteFindInGALSpeechRecognition Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteFindInGALSpeechRecognition Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteFindInGALSpeechRecognition Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CompleteFindInGALSpeechRecognition Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMCallDataRecord Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMCallDataRecord Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMCallDataRecord Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0907] [2] Performance counter name is CreateUMCallDataRecord Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallDataRecords Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallDataRecords Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallDataRecords Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallDataRecords Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallSummary Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallSummary Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallSummary Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMCallSummary Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0908] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhotoData Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhotoData Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhotoData Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserPhotoData Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is InitUMMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is InitUMMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is InitUMMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is InitUMMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is ResetUMMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0909] [2] Performance counter name is ResetUMMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ResetUMMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ResetUMMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ValidateUMPin Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ValidateUMPin Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ValidateUMPin Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is ValidateUMPin Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is SaveUMPin Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is SaveUMPin Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0910] [2] Performance counter name is SaveUMPin Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is SaveUMPin Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPin Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPin Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPin Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMPin Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientIntent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientIntent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0911] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientIntent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is GetClientIntent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMSubscriberCallAnsweringData Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMSubscriberCallAnsweringData Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMSubscriberCallAnsweringData Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is GetUMSubscriberCallAnsweringData Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateMailboxAssociation Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateMailboxAssociation Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateMailboxAssociation Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0912] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateMailboxAssociation Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateGroupMailbox Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateGroupMailbox Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateGroupMailbox Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateGroupMailbox Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0913] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarView Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarView Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarView Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetCalendarView Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetBirthdayCalendarView Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetBirthdayCalendarView Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetBirthdayCalendarView Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is GetBirthdayCalendarView Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0914] [2] Performance counter name is CreateCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is CreateCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is CreateCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is CreateCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is UpdateCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is CancelCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0915] [2] Performance counter name is CancelCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is CancelCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is CancelCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RespondToCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RespondToCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RespondToCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RespondToCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshGALContactsFolder Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshGALContactsFolder Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0916] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshGALContactsFolder Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is RefreshGALContactsFolder Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToConversationChanges Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToConversationChanges Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToConversationChanges Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToConversationChanges Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToHierarchyChanges Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToHierarchyChanges Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0917] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToHierarchyChanges Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToHierarchyChanges Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToMessageChanges Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToMessageChanges Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToMessageChanges Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is SubscribeToMessageChanges Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0918] [2] Performance counter name is DeleteCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is ForwardCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is ForwardCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is ForwardCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is ForwardCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is LikeItem Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is LikeItem Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is LikeItem Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is LikeItem Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0919] [2] Performance counter name is GetLikers Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is GetLikers Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is GetLikers Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is GetLikers Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandCalendarEvent Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandCalendarEvent Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandCalendarEvent Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is ExpandCalendarEvent Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItemsDiagnostics Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0920] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItemsDiagnostics Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItemsDiagnostics Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetConversationItemsDiagnostics Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetComplianceConfiguration Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetComplianceConfiguration Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetComplianceConfiguration Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is GetComplianceConfiguration Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is PerformInstantSearch Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is PerformInstantSearch Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0921] [2] Performance counter name is PerformInstantSearch Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is PerformInstantSearch Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is EndInstantSearchSession Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is EndInstantSearchSession Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is EndInstantSearchSession Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is EndInstantSearchSession Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserUnifiedGroups Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserUnifiedGroups Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0922] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserUnifiedGroups Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is GetUserUnifiedGroups Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is GetPeopleICommunicateWith Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is GetPeopleICommunicateWith Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is GetPeopleICommunicateWith Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is GetPeopleICommunicateWith Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is MaskAutoCompleteRecipient Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is MaskAutoCompleteRecipient Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is MaskAutoCompleteRecipient Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0923] [2] Performance counter name is MaskAutoCompleteRecipient Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is GetClutterState Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is GetClutterState Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is GetClutterState Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is GetClutterState Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is SetClutterState Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is SetClutterState Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is SetClutterState Average Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0924] [2] Performance counter name is SetClutterState Successful Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:17.0925] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWS'. [10.23.2020 07:29:18.0011] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeWS'. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0607] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0609] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UMClientAccessCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0613] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0613] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'UMClientAccessCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0613] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0615] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\UMClientAccessCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of Play on Phone Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of Failed Play on Phone Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of PIN Reset Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0616] [2] Performance counter name is Total Number of Failed PIN Reset Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0621] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0621] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeUMClientAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:29:31.0730] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeUMClientAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0490] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0492] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AutodiscoverPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0497] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0497] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'AutodiscoverPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0497] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0499] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\AutodiscoverPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0499] [2] Performance counter name is Total Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0499] [2] Performance counter name is Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0499] [2] Performance counter name is Error Responses, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0500] [2] Performance counter name is Error Responses/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0500] [2] Performance counter name is Process ID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0500] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeAutodiscover'. [10.23.2020 07:29:33.0615] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeAutodiscover'. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0316] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0317] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OAuthCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0322] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0322] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'OAuthCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0322] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0324] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\OAuthCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0324] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound: Total Auth Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0325] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound: Auth Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0325] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound: Failed Auth Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0325] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound: Failed Auth Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0325] [2] Performance counter name is Inbound: Average Auth Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0325] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: Average AuthServer Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0328] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: Total Token Requests to AuthServer, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0328] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: Token Requests to AuthServer/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0328] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: Number of Pending AuthServer Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0328] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: AuthServer Token Cache Size, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0328] [2] Performance counter name is Outbound: Total Timeout Token Requests to AuthServer, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0329] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange OAuth'. [10.23.2020 07:29:35.0404] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange OAuth'. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0302] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0304] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoWorkerMessageTrackingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0313] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0314] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoWorkerMessageTrackingPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0314] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0315] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoWorkerMessageTrackingPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Search-MessageTrackingReport task executed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Search-MessageTrackingReport task executed/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Search-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Average Search-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Average Search-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Total Queries by Search-MessageTrackingReport, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Average Queries by Search-MessageTrackingReport, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Average Queries by Search-MessageTrackingReport base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Get-MessageTrackingReport Task Executed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Get-MessageTrackingReport Task Executed/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Get-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Average Get-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0317] [2] Performance counter name is Average Get-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is Total Queries by Get-MessageTrackingReport, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is Average Queries by Get-MessageTrackingReport, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is Average Queries by Get-MessageTrackingReport base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is MessageTracking current request dispatcher requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of MessageTrackingReport operations (via task) completed with errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0318] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of MessageTrackingReport operations (via EWS) completed with errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0319] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Message Tracking'. [10.23.2020 07:29:37.0458] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Message Tracking'. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0306] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0307] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0312] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0312] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0312] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0314] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0314] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0314] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Packets/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0314] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0314] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Averaged Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Clients Bytes Read, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Clients Bytes Written, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Clients Uncompressed Bytes Read, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is RPC Clients Uncompressed Bytes Written, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is Connection Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is Active User Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is User Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0315] [2] Performance counter name is Client: RPCs attempted, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: RPCs succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Background RPCs succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Foreground RPCs succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: RPCs Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Background RPCs Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Foreground RPCs Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 2 sec RPCs, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 5 sec RPCs, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0316] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 10 sec RPCs, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is RPC dispatch task queue length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is RPC dispatch task threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is RPC dispatch task active threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is RPC dispatch task operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is XTC dispatch task queue length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is XTC dispatch task threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is XTC dispatch task active threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is XTC dispatch task operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0317] [2] Performance counter name is RpcHttpConnectionRegistration dispatch task queue length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0318] [2] Performance counter name is RpcHttpConnectionRegistration dispatch task threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0318] [2] Performance counter name is RpcHttpConnectionRegistration dispatch task active threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0318] [2] Performance counter name is RpcHttpConnectionRegistration dispatch task operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0318] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange RpcClientAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:29:39.0463] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange RpcClientAccess'. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0244] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0246] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0250] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0250] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0250] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0252] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0266] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0268] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0269] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0269] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RpcClientAccessServerPerformanceCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0269] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0269] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0269] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AddressBookServicePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0271] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0271] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'AddressBookServicePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0271] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0273] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\AddressBookServicePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0273] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections Current, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Browse Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0274] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Browse Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Browse Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI RPC Browse Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is Referral RPC Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is Referral RPC Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is Referral RPC Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is Referral RPC Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Average Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0275] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Average Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0276] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto From Mailbox Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0276] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto From Directory Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0276] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Not Present Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0276] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeAB'. [10.23.2020 07:29:41.0400] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeAB'. [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0239] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0241] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RpcEntryPointsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0246] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0246] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RpcEntryPointsPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0246] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0247] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\RpcEntryPointsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0542] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange RPC Entry Points'. [10.23.2020 07:29:43.0873] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange RPC Entry Points'. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0397] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0399] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MapiHttpEmsmdbPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0404] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0404] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MapiHttpEmsmdbPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0404] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0406] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MapiHttpEmsmdbPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0406] [2] Performance counter name is Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0406] [2] Performance counter name is Packets/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Averaged Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Clients Bytes Read, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Clients Bytes Written, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Clients Uncompressed Bytes Read, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Clients Uncompressed Bytes Written, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Connection Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is Active User Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0407] [2] Performance counter name is User Count, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Calls attempted, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Calls succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Background calls succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Foreground calls succeeded, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: calls Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Background calls Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Foreground calls Failed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0408] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 2 sec calls, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 5 sec calls, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Client: Latency > 10 sec calls, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Dispatch task queue length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Dispatch task threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Dispatch task active threads, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter name is Dispatch task operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0409] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MapiHttp Emsmdb'. [10.23.2020 07:29:44.0530] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MapiHttp Emsmdb'. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0286] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0288] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MapiHttpNspiPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0292] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0293] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MapiHttpNspiPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0293] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0294] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MapiHttpNspiPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is PID, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections Current, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Connections/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0295] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Browse Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Browse Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Browse Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is NSPI Browse Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is Referral Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is Referral Requests Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0296] [2] Performance counter name is Referral Requests/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is Referral Requests Average Latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Average Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Average Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto From Mailbox Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto From Directory Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0297] [2] Performance counter name is ThumbnailPhoto Not Present Count, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0298] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MapiHttp Nspi'. [10.23.2020 07:29:46.0432] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange MapiHttp Nspi'. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0198] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0199] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ThrottlingServiceClientPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0204] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0204] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ThrottlingServiceClientPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0204] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0206] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ThrottlingServiceClientPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0206] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Successful Submission Requests., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0206] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Denied Submission Request., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0206] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Bypassed Submission Requests., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0206] [2] Performance counter name is Average request processing time., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0207] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Throttling Service Client'. [10.23.2020 07:29:48.0326] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Throttling Service Client'. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0206] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0207] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0212] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0212] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0212] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0214] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0214] [2] Performance counter name is Unreachable Databases, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Last Scan Timestamp (UTC), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Last Scan Duration (msec), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Read (KB/sec), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Read (KB/sec) (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Write (KB/sec), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Write (KB/sec) (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Transmission (KB/sec), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0215] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Transmission (KB/sec) (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Local CPU (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Local CPU (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Local CPU (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Local CPU (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Local CPU (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Local CPU (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Local CPU, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Local CPU, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0216] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: AD Replication (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: AD Replication (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: AD Replication (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: AD Replication (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: AD Replication (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: AD Replication (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: AD Replication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: AD Replication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: MRS jobs (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0217] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: MRS jobs (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: MRS jobs (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: MRS jobs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0218] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Read Bytes/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Write Bytes/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Read Operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Write Operations/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Read Messages/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0219] [2] Performance counter name is PST Write Messages/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter name is PST Heap Cache Bytes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter name is PST Block BTree Cache Bytes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter name is PST Node BTree Cache Bytes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter name is PST AMap Cache Bytes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter name is Named Property Cache Entries., type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0220] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Replication Service'. [10.23.2020 07:29:50.0372] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Replication Service'. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0242] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0244] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerMdbPerformanceCounters.xml -FileMappingSize 2097152 [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0249] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0249] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerMdbPerformanceCounters.xml' -FileMappingSize:'2097152' [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0250] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0251] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MSExchMailboxReplicationServicePerMdbPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0252] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Total Moves, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0252] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Moves in Initial Seeding State, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Moves in Completion State, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Stalled Moves Total, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Stalled Moves (Database Replication), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Stalled Moves (Content Indexing), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Transient Failure (Total), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Transient Failure (Network), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0253] [2] Performance counter name is Active Moves: Transient Failure (MDB Offline), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Read (KB/sec), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Read (KB/sec) (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Write (KB/sec), type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Transfer Rate: Write (KB/sec) (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is MDB Queue: Queued, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is MDB Queue: In Progress, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0254] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed with Warnings, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed with Warnings/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Completed with Warnings/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Canceled, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Canceled/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Canceled/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0255] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Network), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Network)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Network)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Proxy Backoff), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Proxy Backoff)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Transient Failures (Proxy Backoff)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0256] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Bad Item Limit), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Bad Item Limit)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Bad Item Limit)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Network), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Network)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Network)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0257] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Content Indexing), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Content Indexing)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Content Indexing)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Database Replication), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Database Replication)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Stall Database Replication)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (MAPI), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (MAPI)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0258] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (MAPI)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Other), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Other)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Failed (Other)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Stalls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Stalls (Database Replication), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls (Database Replication)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0259] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls (Database Replication)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Stalls (Content Indexing), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls (Content Indexing)/hour, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Move Requests: Move Stalls (Content Indexing)/hour (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Last Scan: Timestamp (UTC), type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Last Scan: Duration (msec), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Last Scan: Scan Failure, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0260] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Read jobs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Utilization: Write jobs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB latency (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB latency (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0261] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB latency (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB latency (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB latency (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB latency (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Disk latency (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Disk latency (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Disk latency (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0262] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: Disk latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Disk latency (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Disk latency (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Disk latency (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: Disk latency, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB replication (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB replication (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB replication (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB replication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0263] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB replication (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB replication (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB replication (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB replication, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB availability (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB availability (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB availability (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: MDB availability, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB availability (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0264] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB availability (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB availability (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: MDB availability, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: CI age of last notification (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: CI age of last notification (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: CI age of last notification (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Resource Health: CI age of last notification, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: CI age of last notification (high priority), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0265] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: CI age of last notification (customer expectation), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0266] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: CI age of last notification (internal maintenance), type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0266] [2] Performance counter name is Dynamic Capacity: CI age of last notification, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0266] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Replication Service Per Mdb'. [10.23.2020 07:29:52.0464] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Replication Service Per Mdb'. [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0776] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0777] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MlbPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0782] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0782] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MlbPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0782] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0784] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MlbPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0784] [2] Performance counter name is Injection requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0784] [2] Performance counter name is Cache entries, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0784] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Load Balancing'. [10.23.2020 07:29:54.0888] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Load Balancing'. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0643] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0644] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName MlbMultiInstancePerformanceCounters.xml -FileMappingSize 2097152 [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0649] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0649] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'MlbMultiInstancePerformanceCounters.xml' -FileMappingSize:'2097152' [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0649] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0651] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\MlbMultiInstancePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Injection Queue Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Injection Rate: Injections/Sec, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Injection Rate: Injections/Sec (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Injection Request Rate: Requests/Sec, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Injection Request Rate: Requests/Sec (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Processing Queue Length, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0652] [2] Performance counter name is Processing Rate: Processings/Sec, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0653] [2] Performance counter name is Processing Rate: Processings/Sec (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0653] [2] Performance counter name is Processing Request Rate: Requests/Sec, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0653] [2] Performance counter name is Processing Request Rate: Requests/Sec (base), type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0653] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Load Balancing Queues'. [10.23.2020 07:29:56.0777] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Mailbox Load Balancing Queues'. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0505] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0507] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ProvisioningPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0511] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0512] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ProvisioningPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0512] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0513] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ProvisioningPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0514] [2] Performance counter name is Number of New-Mailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0514] [2] Performance counter name is Number of New-MailUser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0514] [2] Performance counter name is Number of New-RemoteMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0514] [2] Performance counter name is Number of New-SyncMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of New-SyncMailUser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful New-Mailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful New-MailUser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful New-RemoteMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful New-SyncMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0515] [2] Performance counter name is Number of successful New-SyncMailUser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Number of successful Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Number of successful Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Number of successful Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Calls, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0516] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-Mailbox Response TimeBase Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-MailUser Response TimeBase Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0517] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-RemoteMailbox Response TimeBase Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0518] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailbox Response TimeBase Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average New-SyncMailUser Response TimeBase Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0519] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response Time Without Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase Without Active Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response Time with Active Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0520] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase with Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response Time Without Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response TimeBase Without Active Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response TimeBase, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response Time with Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response TimeBase with Provisioning Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response Time Without Provisioning Cache, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0521] [2] Performance counter name is Average Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response TimeBase Without Active Cache, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total New-Mailbox Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total New-MailUser Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total New-RemoteMailbox Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total New-SyncMailbox Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total New-SyncMailUser Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Total Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Response Time, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0522] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of New-Mailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of New-Mailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of New-MailUser Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of New-MailUser Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of New-RemoteMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of New-RemoteMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of New-SyncMailbox calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of New-SyncMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of New-SyncMailUser Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0523] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of New-SyncMailUser Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailbox Calls with Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Calls with Active Provisioning Cache, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0524] [2] Performance counter name is Percentage Base of Undo-SyncSoftDeletedMailuser Calls with Provisioning Cache, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0525] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Provisioning'. [10.23.2020 07:29:58.0736] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Provisioning'. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0841] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0842] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName GalsyncPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0847] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0847] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'GalsyncPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0847] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0849] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\GalsyncPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0849] [2] Performance counter name is Number of mailboxes created, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0849] [2] Performance counter name is Client reported number of mailboxes created, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Client reported number of mailboxes to create, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Client reported total time used for Mailbox creation in milliseconds, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of export sync runs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of import sync runs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of sucessful export sync runs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of sucessful import sync runs, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of connection errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of permission errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0850] [2] Performance counter name is Number of LiveId errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0851] [2] Performance counter name is Number of ILM logic errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0851] [2] Performance counter name is Number of ILM other errors, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0851] [2] Performance counter category name is 'GALSync'. [10.23.2020 07:30:00.0964] [2] Performance counter category name is 'GALSync'. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0727] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0729] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName BackSyncPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0733] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0734] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'BackSyncPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0734] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0736] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\BackSyncPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0736] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\BackSyncPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0738] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0741] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0741] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\BackSyncPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0741] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0741] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0741] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0743] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0743] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0743] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0745] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0745] [2] Performance counter name is Total Admin Audit Log records saved, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0745] [2] Performance counter name is Admin Audit Log records saved/sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0745] [2] Performance counter name is Total time for saving Admin Audit Log records, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0745] [2] Performance counter name is Total Admin Audit Records Size, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter name is Average Admin Audit Record Size, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter name is Base of average size of an Admin Audit Log entry, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter name is Process ID, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter name is Average time for saving Admin Audit Log records, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter name is Base of Average time for saving Admin Audit Log records, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0746] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Admin Audit Log'. [10.23.2020 07:30:02.0874] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Admin Audit Log'. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0831] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0832] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0838] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0839] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'InfoworkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0839] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0840] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\InfoworkerMultiMailboxSearchPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0841] [2] Performance counter name is Average preview request processing time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0841] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average preview request processing time, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0841] [2] Performance counter name is Average statistics request processing time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0841] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average statistics request processing time, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0841] [2] Performance counter name is Availability Requests (sec), type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Base for preview and statistics request processing time, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Total search Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Preview search Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Statistics Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Preview and Statistics Requests (sec), type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Average Number of Keywords in a query, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Number of Keywords in a query, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Average Number of Mailboxes Processed per query, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0842] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average Number of Mailboxes Processed per query, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Average failed mailboxes in preview, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average failed mailboxes in preview, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Average failed mailbox statistics search, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average failed mailbox statistics search, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Average preview search time per mailbox, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average preview search time per mailbox, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Average statistics search time per mailbox, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0843] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average statistics search time per mailbox, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Average Mailbox per database, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average mailbox per database, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Average database per server, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Base for Average database per server, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Average number of search group created, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Base for average number of search group created, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Total searches, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Total searches in progress, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0844] [2] Performance counter name is Average number of local search group created, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Base for average number of local search group created, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Average number of remote search group created, type is AverageCount64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Base for average number of remote search group created, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Total local searches, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Total local searches in progress, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Total fan out searches, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0845] [2] Performance counter name is Total fan out searches in progress, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0846] [2] [WARNING] The performance counter definition file is invalid. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0846] [2] [WARNING] Ungültiger Indikatorname. Die Länge muss im Bereich zwischen 1 und 32767 liegen. Doppelte Anführungszeichen, Steuerzeichen und Leerzeichen am Anfang oder Ende sind unzulässig. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0847] [2] [WARNING] The performance counter definition file is invalid. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0847] [2] [WARNING] Ungültiger Indikatorname. Die Länge muss im Bereich zwischen 1 und 32767 liegen. Doppelte Anführungszeichen, Steuerzeichen und Leerzeichen am Anfang oder Ende sind unzulässig. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0849] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0850] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0850] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei ist ungültig. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0850] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0850] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0850] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ProvisioningCachePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0852] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0852] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ProvisioningCachePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0852] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0854] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ProvisioningCachePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0854] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache global data aggregate hits., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0854] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache global data aggregate misses., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0854] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache organization data aggregate hits., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0854] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache organization data aggregate misses., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0855] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache Received Invalidation Msg Counter., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0855] [2] Performance counter name is Provisioning Cache Total Cached Object Counter., type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0855] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Provisioning Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:30:04.0931] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Provisioning Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0534] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0536] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OABRequestHandlerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0540] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0540] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'OABRequestHandlerPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0540] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0542] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\OABRequestHandlerPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0542] [2] Performance counter name is Request Handling Average Time, type is AverageTimer32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Request Handling Average Time Base, type is AverageBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Access Denied Failures, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Access Denied Failures/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Request Failures, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Invalid Request Failures/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is File Not Available Failures, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is File Not Available Failures/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0543] [2] Performance counter name is Current Number Requests In Cache, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0544] [2] Performance counter name is Directory Failures, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0544] [2] Performance counter name is Directory Failures/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0544] [2] Performance counter name is Unknown Failures, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0544] [2] Performance counter name is Unknown Failures/Sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0544] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeOABRequestHandler'. [10.23.2020 07:30:06.0665] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchangeOABRequestHandler'. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0472] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0474] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName DlpPolicyTipsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0478] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0478] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'DlpPolicyTipsPerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0479] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0480] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\DlpPolicyTipsPerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0481] [2] Performance counter name is Total DlpPolicyTips requests processed, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0481] [2] Performance counter name is Current Pending DlpPolicyTips requests, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0481] [2] Performance counter name is Successful DlpPolicyTips requests, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0481] [2] Performance counter name is Average latency of the DlpPolicyTips requests within the last 5 minutes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Number of DlpPolicyTips requests with latency more than 1 minute, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Percent of requests with Latency more than 1 minute within the last 5 minutes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Skipped DlpPolicyTips requests InputError, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Total server Failed DlpPolicyTips requests received, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Percent of all server Failed requests within the last 5 minutes, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests UnknownError, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Fips exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Fips TimeOut exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Etr exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0483] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Ad exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0484] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Xso exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0484] [2] Performance counter name is Failed DlpPolicyTips requests Ows exceptions, type is NumberOfItems64. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0486] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange DlpPolicyTips'. [10.23.2020 07:30:08.0618] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange DlpPolicyTips'. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0382] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0383] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName ConfigurationCachePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0388] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0388] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'ConfigurationCachePerformanceCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0388] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0390] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\ConfigurationCachePerformanceCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0390] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache Total requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0390] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache requests per sec, type is RateOfCountsPerSecond32. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0390] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache hit ratio, type is RawFraction. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0390] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache hit ratio base counter, type is RawBase. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0391] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache size, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0391] [2] Performance counter name is Configuration Cache size in KB, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0391] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Owa Configuration Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:30:10.0512] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange Owa Configuration Cache'. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0277] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0278] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName RoutingUpdateModuleCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0283] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0283] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'RoutingUpdateModuleCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0283] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0285] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RoutingUpdateModuleCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0286] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RoutingUpdateModuleCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0287] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0288] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0288] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\RoutingUpdateModuleCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0288] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0288] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0289] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName HxServicePerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0290] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0290] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'HxServicePerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0290] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0292] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0293] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0294] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0295] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0295] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServicePerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0296] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0296] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0296] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName HxServiceCommandsPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0297] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0297] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'HxServiceCommandsPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0297] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0299] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServiceCommandsPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0299] [2] [WARNING] Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServiceCommandsPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0301] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0304] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0304] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Die Leistungsindikator-Definitionsdatei C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Perf\AMD64\HxServiceCommandsPerfCounters.xml wurde nicht gefunden. Parametername: DefinitionFileName [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0304] [1] The previous errors were generated by a non-critical task and will be ignored. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0304] [1] Setup will continue processing component tasks... [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0305] [1] Executing (non-critical): new-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName FBLPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0306] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'New-PerfCounters' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0306] [2] User specified parameters: -DefinitionFileName:'FBLPerfCounters.xml' [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0306] [2] Beginning processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0308] [2] Processing file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Setup\Perf\FBLPerfCounters.xml [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0308] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Requests Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0308] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Classification Requests Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0308] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Subscription Requests Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0308] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-In Requests Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-Out Requests Received, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Requests Successfully Processed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Classification Requests Successfully Processed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Subscription Requests Successfully Processed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-In Requests Successfully Processed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-Out Requests Successfully Processed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Classification Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0309] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Subscription Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-In Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of FBL Opt-Out Requests Failed, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful MSERV Read Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Failed MSERV Read Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Successful MSERV Write Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of Failed MSERV Write Requests, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of XMR Messages Successfully Sent, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0310] [2] Performance counter name is Number of XMR Messages Failed To Send, type is NumberOfItems32. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0311] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange FBL'. [10.23.2020 07:30:12.0387] [2] Performance counter category name is 'MSExchange FBL'. [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0069] [2] Ending processing new-PerfCounters [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0073] [1] Processing component 'Client Access Configuration' (Konfigurieren der Postfachrolle: Clientzugriffsdienst.). [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0073] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.dll"); $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -AppBase $appBase; [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0076] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0076] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.dll' -AppBase:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin' [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0076] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:14.0078] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.dll" /nologo /verbose /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin" [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0073] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.dll Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Strings of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.InstantMessaging of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa2.Server of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Strings of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Live.Services of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Live.Frontend of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.CentralAdmin of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.LiveServicesHelper of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.ApplicationCore of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.ServerConfiguration of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.Kernel of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0073] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0074] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0075] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSyncHandler.dll"); $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -AppBase $appBase; [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0077] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0077] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSyncHandler.dll' -AppBase:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin' [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0077] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0079] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSyncHandler.dll" /nologo /verbose /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin" [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0842] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Sync\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AirSyncHandler.dll Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0843] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0844] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0848] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\AutoDiscover\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscover.dll"); $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -AppBase $appBase; [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0849] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0850] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\AutoDiscover\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscover.dll' -AppBase:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin' [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0850] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:15.0851] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\AutoDiscover\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscover.dll" /nologo /verbose /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin" [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0648] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\AutoDiscover\Bin\Microsoft.Exchange.AutoDiscover.dll Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0648] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0649] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0651] [1] Executing (non-critical): $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Services.dll"); $appBase = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin"); precompile-ManagedBinary -BinaryName $fullPath -AppBase $appBase; [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0652] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'precompile-ManagedBinary' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0653] [2] User specified parameters: -BinaryName:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Services.dll' -AppBase:'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin' [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0653] [2] Beginning processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:16.0654] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe with arguments: install "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Services.dll" /nologo /verbose /AppBase:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin" [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0753] [2] Process standard output: Installing assembly C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.Services.dll Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Query.MarsLookupComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.ContentEngine.Processing.BuiltIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory of assembly Microsoft.Office365.DataInsights.Uploader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Services.Client of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Data.Edm of assembly Microsoft.Office.Server.Directory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c because of the following error : Die gefundene Manifestdefinition der Assembly stimmt nicht mit dem Assemblyverweis berein. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80131040) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Passport.RPS.Native of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Management.OData of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.InteractionEngine.Component, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.SystemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency BihConsumerInterop of assembly Microsoft.Ceres.CoreServices.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.LiveServicesHelper of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.ApplicationCore of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.ServerConfiguration of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Rtc.Client.Psom.Kernel of assembly Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleICommunicateWith of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.PeopleRelevance, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.PiiProcessing of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) Failed to load dependency Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DataMining.Configuration of assembly Microsoft.Exchange.Inference.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 because of the following error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070002) All compilation targets are up to date. [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0753] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0754] [2] Ending processing precompile-ManagedBinary [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0756] [1] Executing: . "$RoleInstallPath\Scripts\ConfigureNetworkProtocolParameters.ps1"; Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck $false [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0775] [1] Executing: install-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0777] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0777] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:30:17.0777] [2] Beginning processing install-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions [10.23.2020 07:30:18.0119] [2] An existing extension with group ID MSExchangeClientAccess and executable C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\owa\auth\owaauth.dll already exists. Skipping the operation. [10.23.2020 07:30:18.0119] [2] No changes are being made to the IIS Web Service Extension list. [10.23.2020 07:30:18.0121] [2] Ending processing install-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions [10.23.2020 07:30:18.0122] [1] Executing: if (get-service MSExchangeServiceHost* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeServiceHost"}) { restart-service MSExchangeServiceHost } [10.23.2020 07:30:19.0967] [1] Executing: if (get-service MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost"}) { restart-service MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost } [10.23.2020 07:30:19.0980] [1] Executing: set-ExchangeServerRole -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName -IsClientAccessServer:$true -DomainController $RoleDomainController [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0007] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'set-ExchangeServerRole' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0008] [2] User specified parameters: -Identity:'Exchange.rw.local' -DomainController:'DC.rw.local' -IsClientAccessServer:'True' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0008] [2] Beginning processing set-ExchangeServerRole [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0010] [2] Searching objects "Exchange.rw.local" of type "Server" under the root "$null". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0030] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0031] [2] Processing object "EXCHANGE". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0044] [2] No properties changed for the object "EXCHANGE". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0044] [2] [WARNING] The command completed successfully but no settings of 'EXCHANGE' have been modified. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0071] [2] Saving object "EXCHANGE" of type "Server" and state "Unchanged". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0090] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0152] [2] Ending processing set-ExchangeServerRole [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0154] [1] Executing (non-critical): if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $false) { uninstall-FBAService } [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0156] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Uninstall-FBAService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0156] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0157] [2] Beginning processing uninstall-FBAService [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0159] [2] Service 'MSExchangeFBA' isn't installed on this server. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0160] [2] Ending processing uninstall-FBAService [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0161] [1] Executing (non-critical): if ($RoleIsDatacenter -eq $false) { stop-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeFBA } [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0163] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'stop-SetupService' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0164] [2] User specified parameters: -ServiceName:'MSExchangeFBA' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0164] [2] Beginning processing stop-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0166] [2] [WARNING] Service '' isn't installed on this server. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0167] [2] Ending processing stop-setupservice [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0170] [1] Executing: $tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll"; add-type -Path $tpath; $sm = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager; if ($sm.Sites["Exchange Back End"] -eq $null) { $backEndWebSitePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess"); $s = $sm.Sites.Add("Exchange Back End","http", "*:81:", $backEndWebSitePath); $s.ServerAutoStart = $true; $sb =$s.Bindings; $b = $sb.Add("*:444:","https"); $sm.CommitChanges(); } [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0233] [1] Executing: Get-ExchangeServer $RoleFqdnOrName | Add-AdPermission -User "S-1-5-20" -ExtendedRights "Exchange Web Services Token Serialization"; [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0243] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Get-ExchangeServer' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0243] [2] User specified parameters: -Identity:'Exchange.rw.local' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0243] [2] Beginning processing Get-ExchangeServer [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0244] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Add-ADPermission' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0244] [2] User specified parameters: -User:'S-1-5-20' -ExtendedRights:'Exchange Web Services Token Serialization' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0244] [2] Beginning processing Add-AdPermission [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0247] [2] Searching objects "Exchange.rw.local" of type "Server" under the root "$null". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0266] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0267] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0267] [2] Preparing to output objects. The maximum size of the result set is "Unlimited". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0288] [2] Searching objects "EXCHANGE" of type "ADRawEntry" under the root "Servers". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0294] [2] Previous operation run on global catalog server 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0294] [2] Processing object "EXCHANGE". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0295] [2] Checking if the specified user or group "S-1-5-20" is a Security Identifier. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0318] [2] Searching objects "Exchange Web Services Token Serialization" of type "ExtendedRight" under the root "$null". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0350] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.rw.local'. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0352] [2] Ending processing Get-ExchangeServer [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0353] [2] Ending processing Add-AdPermission [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0354] [2] Adding access control entries to the security descriptor for the object CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0354] [2] Adding access control entries to the security descriptor for the object CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0356] [2] [WARNING] The appropriate access control entry is already present on the object "CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=rw,DC=local" for account "NT-AUTORITÄT\Netzwerkdienst". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0361] [1] Executing: Set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "Bin" -ConfigFileName "MsExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config" [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0362] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-InstallPathInAppConfig' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0362] [2] User specified parameters: -ConfigFileRelativePath:'Bin' -ConfigFileName:'MsExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0363] [2] Beginning processing Set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0367] [2] Ending processing Set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0368] [1] Executing: if (!(get-service MSExchangeMailboxReplication* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeMailboxReplication"})) { install-MailboxReplicationService } [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0374] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationFirewallRule) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0376] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0376] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationFirewallRule' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0376] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0385] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0390] [1] Executing: if ((get-service MSExchangeMigrationWorkflow* | where {$_.name -eq "MSExchangeMigrationWorkflow"})) { uninstall-MigrationWorkflowService } [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0393] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeABRPCFirewallRule) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0394] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0395] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeABRPCFirewallRule' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0395] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0403] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0404] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangePOPBeByPortRule) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0406] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0406] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangePOPBeByPortRule' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0406] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0415] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0416] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeIMAP4BeFirewallRule) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0418] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0418] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeIMAP4BeFirewallRule' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0418] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0426] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0429] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeOWAByPortRule) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0431] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0431] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeOWAByPortRule' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0431] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0439] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0440] [1] Executing: Add-FirewallException -FirewallRule (New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationByPort) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0442] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'add-firewallexception' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0442] [2] User specified parameters: -FirewallRule:'Microsoft.Exchange.Security.WindowsFirewall.MSExchangeMailboxReplicationByPort' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0442] [2] Beginning processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0450] [2] Ending processing Add-FirewallException [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0451] [1] Executing: Install-ResourceHealthActiveFlags [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0454] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Install-ResourceHealthActiveFlags' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0455] [2] User specified parameters: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0455] [2] Beginning processing Install-ResourceHealthActiveFlags [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] Install is Enterprise [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] Assistants was True. Install suggests True. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] DOMT was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] EAS was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] EWS was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] IMAP was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0457] [2] MRS was True. Install suggests True. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] OWA was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] POP was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] RCA was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] Transport was True. Install suggests True. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] Provisioning was False. Install suggests False. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] Search was True. Install suggests True. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0458] [2] ServiceHost was True. Install suggests True. However, we will not overwrite. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0459] [2] Ending processing Install-ResourceHealthActiveFlags [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0460] [1] Executing: set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\PushNotifications\" -ConfigFileName web.config [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0462] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-InstallPathInAppConfig' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0462] [2] User specified parameters: -ConfigFileRelativePath:'ClientAccess\PushNotifications\' -ConfigFileName:'web.config' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0462] [2] Beginning processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0465] [2] Ending processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0469] [1] Executing: set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb\" -ConfigFileName web.config [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0470] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-InstallPathInAppConfig' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0471] [2] User specified parameters: -ConfigFileRelativePath:'ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb\' -ConfigFileName:'web.config' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0471] [2] Beginning processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0474] [2] Ending processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0475] [1] Executing: set-InstallPathInAppConfig -ConfigFileRelativePath "ClientAccess\mapi\nspi\" -ConfigFileName web.config [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0476] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Set-InstallPathInAppConfig' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0477] [2] User specified parameters: -ConfigFileRelativePath:'ClientAccess\mapi\nspi\' -ConfigFileName:'web.config' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0477] [2] Beginning processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0480] [2] Ending processing set-InstallPathInAppConfig [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0482] [1] Executing: $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0492] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0492] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config" /managedRuntimeLoader:"" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false' -IgnoreExitCode:'183' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0492] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0494] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config" /managedRuntimeLoader:"" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0515] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "APPPOOL" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0516] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0516] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0517] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0518] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0520] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0520] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'add vdir /app.name:"Exchange Back End/" /path:"/mapi" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\mapi"' -IgnoreExitCode:'183' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0520] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0522] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: add vdir /app.name:"Exchange Back End/" /path:"/mapi" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\mapi" [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0542] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "VDIR" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0542] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0542] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0543] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0544] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0546] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0546] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'add app /site.name:"Exchange Back End" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:"/mapi/emsmdb"' -IgnoreExitCode:'183' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0546] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0548] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: add app /site.name:"Exchange Back End" /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:"/mapi/emsmdb" [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0568] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "APP" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0568] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0568] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0572] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0573] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0575] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0575] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0575] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0577] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0597] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0597] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0597] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0598] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0600] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0601] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0601] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0601] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0604] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0624] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0624] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0624] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0625] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0626] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0628] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0628] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0628] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0630] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0650] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0650] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0652] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0652] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0653] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0654] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0655] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0655] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0656] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0676] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0676] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0676] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0677] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0679] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0680] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0680] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0680] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0682] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0701] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0702] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0702] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0702] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0704] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0705] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0705] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0705] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0707] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0727] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0727] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0727] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0727] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0729] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0730] [2] Die Active Directory-Sitzungseinstellungen für 'Start-SetupProcess' lauten: Vollständige Gesamtstruktur anzeigen: 'True', Konfigurationsdomänencontroller: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugter globaler Katalog: 'DC.rw.local', Bevorzugte Domänencontroller: '{ DC.rw.local }' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0731] [2] User specified parameters: -Name:'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe' -Args:'set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost' [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0731] [2] Beginning processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0732] [2] Starting: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe with arguments: set config "Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0752] [2] Process standard output: Das Objekt "CONFIG" wird nicht untersttzt. Fhren Sie "appcmd.exe /?" aus, um die untersttzten Objekte anzuzeigen. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0752] [2] Process standard error: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0752] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0752] [2] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0754] [2] Ending processing Start-SetupProcess [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0755] [1] The following 10 error(s) occurred during task execution: [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0755] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0755] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0756] [1] 2. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] 2. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] 3. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] 3. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0757] [1] 4. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] 4. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] 5. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] 5. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0758] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] 6. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] 6. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] 7. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0759] [1] 7. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] 8. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] 8. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] 9. ErrorRecord: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0760] [1] 9. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed) [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR] Process execution failed with exit code 87. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=ClientAccessComponent___9D94915F-B12D-4579-93EE-36B6DF42CF4A Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0761] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [10.23.2020 07:30:20.0800] [1] Ending processing Install-ClientAccessRole [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0513] [0] CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 0 [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0514] [0] End of Setup [10.23.2020 07:34:57.0514] [0] **********************************************
  10. Entschuldigt bitte, werde ich künftig tun. Fehler kommt aus dem Fenster. Füge es unten nochmal ein als Code Komme von CU13 mit .Net 4.6.1 und nun ist .Net 4.8 installiert. Während dem Vorgang habe ich 4.7.2 verwendet und durch MS Update kam nachdem Exchange Update fehlschlug das 4.8 per Windows Updates Vorgehensweise war Get-Service | ?{$_.Name -ilike “MSexch*”} | Stop-Service Get-Service | ?{$_.Name -ilike “MSexch*”} | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled .Net 4.7.2 Installation Reboot Exchange Dienste Startart wieder auf automatisch: Get-Service | ?{$_.Name -ilike “MSexch*”} | Set-Service -StartupType auto CU Installation Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".
  11. Hallo zusammen, bei der Installation des CU23 auf einem 2013 (Windows Server 2012 R2 up2date) erhalte ich bei Schritt 3 folgenden Fehler. Hat hier jemand einen Tip für mich. Hab viel gesucht aber komme leider nicht weiter. Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87 Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)". Fehler: Der folgende Fehler wurde generiert, als "$error.Clear(); $CommandAppCmd = join-path $env:SystemRoot System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe; $MapiClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi"); $MapiMailboxClientAccessPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess\mapi\emsmdb"); $clrConfigFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "bin", "MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool_CLRConfig.config"); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add apppool /name:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /autostart:true /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /queueLength:65535 /CLRConfigFile:`"$clrConfigFilePath`" /managedRuntimeLoader:`"`" /processModel.identityType:LocalSystem /managedPipelineMode:Integrated /recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00 /processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00 /processModel.pingingEnabled:false /failure.rapidFailProtection:false" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add vdir /app.name:`"Exchange Back End/`" /path:`"/mapi`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiClientAccessPath`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "add app /site.name:`"Exchange Back End`" /physicalPath:`"$MapiMailboxClientAccessPath`" /applicationPool:MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool /path:`"/mapi/emsmdb`"" -IgnoreExitCode @(183); Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/access /sslFlags:Ssl /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/clientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication /enabled:false /commit:apphost"; Start-SetupProcess -Name "$CommandAppCmd" -args "set config `"Exchange Back End/mapi/emsmdb`" /section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:true /commit:apphost"; " ausgeführt wurde: "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException: Fehler bei der Prozessausführung mit Beendigungscode 87. bei Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RunProcessBase.InternalProcessRecord() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.<ProcessRecord>b__b() bei Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".
  12. Welche Informationen würdest du benötigen um hier eine Aussage treffen zu können? Es handelt sich um eine interne Domäne xyz.local, jeder Standort hat einen DC Die Standorte sind per SSL über die Firewall verbunden. AntiSpamCloud (Spamexperts) senden Mail über SMTP an den Exchange. Versand per Smarthost, ebenso AntiSpamCloud
  13. Habe ich eine 800 GB große Datenbank aus der in den letzten Wochen Postfächer entfernt wurden und übertrage nun alle anderen Postfächer an einen neuen Exchange Server so sollte die Datenbank auf dem neuen kleiner sein. lösche ich aus einem 20 GB großen Postfach 5 GB in alten E-Mails, So hat das Postfach weiterhin 20 GB aber auch 5 GB WhiteSpace, richtig? Wenn dem so ist, dann ist meine Frage lediglich ob 20 GB oder 15 GB am neuen Exchange belegt werden Es handelt sich um eine Holding mit zwei getrennten Firmen in zwei getrennten Standorten und jeder möchte für sich einen eigenen Exchange damit sie nicht vom anderen Standort im Störungsfall abhängig sind, aber in der gleichen Domain. Aber hat sich dann wohl erledigt wenn dies nicht unterstützt wird.
  14. Hallo ich habe für 2 Standorte einen zentralen Exchange 2010 welcher Postfächer für 2 Domains bereitstellt. Dieser soll nun in der gleichen Domain durch einen neuen Exchange je Standort ersetzt werden damit jeder seinen eigenen Exchange Vor Ort hat. Bei Postfächern ist es doch ähnlich wie bei den Datenbanken, das bei DB defrag nur freier Speicher gewonnen wird aber die DB nicht kleiner wird. Wenn in einem Postfach viel gelöscht wird, dann wird das Postfach auch nicht kleiner. Wenn ich nun ein 20GB Postfach aus 2010 in den neuen Verschiebe, dann sollte die DB ggf. kleiner sein aber wie verhält es sich beim Postfach? Wird das 1 zu 1 übertragen oder nur der belegte Platz ? Gruß Andreas
  15. Ok, muss mir das genauer ansehen, beim groben überfliegen der Infos Blick ich ned ganz durch.
  16. Oh, kenne ich noch gar nicht und muss ich mir mal ansehen. Danke für den Tip
  17. Hallo, sorry für die späte Rückmeldung. Auf dem TS01 ist der Broker, hier lagen auch die UPDs. Die UPDs habe ich nun auf einen eigenen Server umgezogen. Nutzen seid Anfang an Round Robin... denke hier ist das Problem begraben. Denn zwischen zeitig kommt auch das Problem hinzu, dass User doppelt nach der Anmeldung gefragt werden. Zuerst am TS01 wo der Broker installiert ist und dann nochmal vom TS wo er dann gerade landet.
  18. Hallo zusammen, ich hab 3 TS 2012 R2 in einer kleinen Farm und nutze die Benutzerprofil-Datenträger. Die Sammlung habe ich für eine Usergruppe veröffentlicht. Der Adminuser ist nicht in dieser Gruppe darf isch aber per RDP am TS anmelden. Auch hier wird die UPD verwendet. Kann ich das umgehen damit ich mich mit dem einen Adminuser an alles TS gleichzeitig anmelden kann? Will ungern je TS einen TSADMIN User verwenden
  19. Ja ist mir bewusst... alle = alle Mitarbeiter und nicht die default SIDs
  20. das muss ich mir heute Abend wenn alle abgemeldet sind echt mal anschauen, in den Registrierungen müssen dann auch alle SID Einträge unter ProfileList weg sein, korrekt? Aktuell ist RoundRobin im Einsatz, setze gerade einen RD Gateway auf... evtl. macht es das auch besser
  21. Hallo zusammen, weil alte MDE CE Geräte sich nicht mit der kleinen TS 2012r2 Farm verbunden haben musste die Remotedesktop Lizenz Aktivierungsmethode erneut durchgeführt und dabei auf web umgestellt werden da hier dann andere Zertifiakte bzw. niedrigere Verschlüsselung verwendet wird womit die CEs dann noch klar kommen. Auch wurde für die sammlung die Sicherheit auf RDP Sicherheitsstufe und Verschlüsselungsstufe niedrig eingestellt. Seitdem haben wir oft das Szenario dass User am Anmeldebildschirm ihr Kennwort eintragen, es kommt kein Fehler, es kommt einfach nur erneut wieder eine Anmeldung. Bei genauerem hinsehen wenn man statt der Domäne mal .\ verwendet, dann sieht man dass er beim ersten Versuch TS-x verwendet und dann beim zweiten mal einen der anderen beiden. Eine Idee? Kann das mit der Umstellung zu tun haben oder hab ihr mir hier Tipps oder Ideen? Gruß Andreas
  22. Hallo zusammen, an einer mini TS Farm mit 3x 2012r2 Terminalserver mit einer Sammlung welchen Profildatenträger konfiguriert sind haben wir nach nun fast 1,5-2 Jahren fast täglich Probleme dass 3-4 Benutzer mit einem Temp Profil angemeldet werden. Melden Sie sich ab, lösche ich dann in der Registry den .bak Schlüssel klappts wieder. Habt ihr Ideen? Gab es Updates die Schwierigkeiten verursachen können? Die TS sind virtualisiert - war bis dato kein Problem. Auf dem Hyper-V kamen noch 2 weitere "Test" Server hinzu, Leistung sollte ausreichen. Aber dachte auch schon daran, Die Profildatenträger Freigabe liegt auf dem TS01 auf einer eigenen Partition. Soll irgendwann mal ausgegliedert werden, ursprünglich gab es nur den TS01. Dieser ist auch Lizenzserver. nach 3 Stunden Inaktivität wird der User abgemeldet so dass nichts offen bleibt... Bin über jede Rückmeldung dankbar. Gruß Andreas
  23. Hallo zusammen, derzeit gehe ich am Exchange 2013 nach dem erstellen eines neuen Postfachs in die Management Shell und erteile dem Standard Veröffentlindender Bearbeiter Zugriff. Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity vorname.nachname:\calendar -User Standard -AccessRights PublishingEdito Somit haben die User untereinander Kalenderzugriff. Kann ich dies noch vereinfachen damit ich das ggf. nur einmalig und nicht nach jedem anlegen eines Postfachs machen muss?
  24. bin etwas weiter gekommen... Mein großes Problem ist, es handelt sich um eine Single Domain. Ich konnte die bisher nicht umstellen, weil ich oft lese dass das mit einem Exchange Probleme bereitet. Werde wohl nicht drum herum kommen, die gesamte Domain neu zu machen. Oder hat jemand Erfahrung gesammelt, dass das mit Exchange auch geht? Die Domain heißt ntdom. gpupdate kann dann z.B. \\ntdom\ nicht auflösen udn somit die GPO nicht lesen :-( Workaround derzeit in der hosts die IP des DC für ntdom eintragen. Habt ihr noch Vorschläge die nicht nur aussagen ich muss sofort alles neu machen. Ich werde es neu machen, aber das geht nicht von jetzt auf nachher.
  25. C:\Users\Administrator.NTDOM>net share sysvol Freigabename SYSVOL Pfad C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol Beschreibung Ressource für Anmeldeserver Max. Benutzer Unbegrenzt Benutzer Zwischenspeichern Manuelle Zwischenspeicherung von Dokumenten Berechtigung Jeder, READ VORDEFINIERT\Administratoren, FULL NT-AUTORITÄT\Authentifizierte Benutzer, FULL Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt. Im Sysvol sind die Ordner do note remove Policies MSI und scripts
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