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Beiträge erstellt von SchokoTorte

  1. Hallo!

    Ich sprache Deutsch nicht gut :( und ich möchte einen text für einen website übersetzen.

    Ich habe den original Text in Französisch - Englisch - Italienisch.

    Konnen sie mir helfen? :shock:

    Das ist der english text:



    Rebuilding PC with Windows and software installation from scratch.


    Removing virus, spyware, adware, unwanted software


    PC check to avoid hangs, blue screens, missing files, etc.



    New hardware installation (DVD-rom, Webcam, video board, LAN board, etc.)


    Hardware problems resolution (error messages, conflicts, periferals with problems, etc.)


    Suggestions about the correct configuration for your server or your computer



    Network and network services

    WiFi and network installation.


    Windows server installation


    Windows network services configuration (AD, DHCP, DNS, RAS, IAS, etc.)


    Active Directory design and implementation (Users, Groups, Policies, Sites, Replications, etc.)


    Remote assistance and virtual PC / Servers (VMWare - MS Virtual PC)




    Individual courses (basic and advanced, in italian, french or english language only) :



    -Computer basics and networks


    -Computer safety (how to prevent problems with your computer)


    -Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Internet, static web sites



    -Windows server 2000/2003


    -Active Directory and network services (DHCP, DNS, RAS, IAS, etc.)


    -Preparing and taking Microsoft certification exams (MCP/MCSA/MCSE 2000 e 2003)


    Danke!! :D

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