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Beiträge erstellt von DuckDale

  1. Dies hier dürfte wohl der selbe fehler sein der bei meinem onkel gerade auftritt.


    und zwar hat er seine C:-Platte (ca 10GB) von einer 60GB Seagate Platte mit Drive Image auf eine 160GB Platte gespiegelt


    beim booten von dieser bekam er die fehlermeldung: :shock:


    Ein Problem hat verhindert, dass die Lizenz für diesen Computer überprüft werden konnte. Fehlercode: 0x80090006" :confused:


    nun nach einiger recherche bin ich auf einen artikel auf MSDN gestossen. :suspect:

    hier die kopie


    How do I clone the runtime to multiple target devices?

    Windows XP Embedded includes the System Cloning Tool component. Adding this component to the configuration will add steps to the First Boot Agent (FBA) process not normally seen. After the system completes FBA phases 0–8,500 the system reboots on your Master system and enters the "Reseal" phase 8,501–12,000. After the Reseal phase, you must shut down the system and copy this image to disk. Propagate this image to the multiple cloned machines. The next time this image boots, the cloning phase begins and the computer's security identifier (SID) from the master device is replaced with a unique SID. For more information, see the Help files in XPEHELP.chm: System Design Guide | Design Considerations | Cloning


    Note: Refer to XPEHELP.chm on special settings required if you need FBA to process anything after cloning. For more information, see the "Phase (integer)" explanation of the Help file located at System Design Guide | Appendix Info | Custom Resources | FBA Generic Command.

    How can I correctly set the partition size to avoid the error: "A Problem is Preventing Windows from Accurately Checking the License for this Computer - 0x80090006"?

    If, when logging into the runtime, you receive the error "A problem is preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error Code: 0x80090006", then this indicates you did not correctly set the partition size in Target Designer. Within Target Designer, you must provide to the tools the size of your destination partition. If it's grossly incorrect, then the runtime will fail. The default setting is for 1024 MB. To change this, click Settings of your configuration in the center pane of Target Designer. Then, select Target Device Settings and locate the Boot Partition size configurable setting. Change this value to the true partition size on which the runtime will reside.


    Important: Re-run check dependency before rebuilding the runtime



    Nun werd ich mir am Wochenende mal diese Platte holen und versuchen die Partition size anzupassen


    hoffe hab euch helfen können





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